Practical Management of Pain,5/e 해외주문가능
Honorio Benzon
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1144 Pages
5 Edition
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Obtain all the core knowledge in pain management you need from one of the most trusted resources in the field. The new edition of Practical Management of Pain gives you completely updated, multidisciplinary overview of every aspect of pain medicine, including evaluation, diagnosis of pain syndromes, rationales for management, treatment modalities, and much more. In print and online, it is all the expert guidance necessary to offer your patients the best possible relief.

• Understand and apply the latest developments in pain medicine
with brand-new chapters covering disability assessment, central post-stroke pain, chronic widespread pain, and burn pain.

• Effectively ease your patients' pain with today's best management techniques, including joint injections, ultrasound-guided therapies, and new pharmacologic agents (such as topical analgesics).

• Access up-to-the-minute knowledge on all aspects of pain management,
from general principles to specific management techniques, with contributions from renowned experts in the field.

• Read the full text and view all the images online

• Understand and apply the latest developments in pain management
with brand-new chapters covering disability assessment, central post-stroke pain, widespread chronic pain, and burn pain.
Effectively ease your patients' pain with today's best management techniques, including joint injections, ultrasound-guided therapies, and new pharmacologic agents (such as topical analgesics).

Part I: General Considerations

1. The History of Pain Medicine

2. Taxonomy and Classification of Chronic Pain Syndromes

3. Organizing an Inpatient Acute Pain Service

4. Measurement-Based Stepped Care Approach to Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Management

5. The Health Care Policy of Pain Management

6. Quality Assessment and Improvement and Patient Safety in the Pain Clinic

7. Education, Training, and Certification in Pain Medicine

Part II. Basic Considerations

8. Pain Pathways: Peripheral, Spinal, Ascending, and Descending Pathways

9. A Review of Pain-Processing Pharmacology

10. Pain and Brain Changes

11. An Introduction to Pharmacogenetics in Pain Management: Knowledge of How Pharmacogenomics May Affect Clinical Care

12. Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Pain

Part III. Evaluation and Assessment

13. History and Physical Examination of the Pain Patient

14. Electromyography and Evoked Potentials

15. Radiologic Assessment of the Patient with Spine Pain

16. Psychological and Behavioral Assessment

17. Disability Assessment

Part IV. Clinical Conditions

18. Postoperative Pain and Other Acute Pain Syndromes

19. The Prediction and Prevention of Persistent Post-Surgical Pain

20. Pediatric Acute Pain Management

21. Low Back Pain

22. Neurosurgical Approaches to Pain Management

23. Cancer Pain

24. Neuropathic Pain Syndromes

25. Pain in Selected Neurologic Disorders

26. Phantom Limb Pain

27. Central Post-stroke Pain Syndrome

28. Spinal Cord Injury Pain

29. Chronic Widespread Pain

30. Headache Management

31. Dental and Facial Pain

32. Visceral Pain

33. Pediatric Chronic Pain Management

34. Management of Pain in Older Adults

35. Managing Pain during Pregnancy and Lactation

Part V. Pharmacologic, Psychological, and Physical Medicine Treatments

36. Major Opioids and Chronic Opioid Therapy

37. Minor and Short-Acting Analgesics, Including Opioid Combination Products

38. Antidepressants as Analgesics

39. Membrane Stabilizers for the Treatment of Pain

40. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs, Acetaminophen, and COX-2 Inhibitors

41. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

42. Topical Analgesics

43. Neuraxial Agents

44. Pharmacology for the Interventional Pain Physician

45. Psychological Interventions

46. Physical Medicine Techniques in Pain Management

47. Physical Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Pain

48. Acupuncture

49. Integrative Approaches to Pain Management

50. Pain and Addictive Disorders: Challenge and Opportunity

51. Issues Associated with Opioid Use

Part VI. Nerve Block Techniques

52. Nerve Blocks of the Head and Neck

53. Upper Extremity Blocks

54. Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks

55. Truncal Blocks

56. Peripheral and Visceral Sympathetic Blocks

57. Intraarticular Analgesia

58. Chemical Neurolytic Blocks

59. Neurolysis of Sympathetic Axis for Cancer Pain Management

Part VII. Interventional Techniques

60. Interlaminar and Transforaminal Therapeutic Epidural Injections

61. Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Zygapophysial (Facet) Joint Pain

62. Radiofrequency Treatment

63. Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome: Sacroiliac Joint Injections and Block/Radiofrequency

of the Lateral Branchs

64. Myofascial Injections: Trigger Point, Piriformis, Iliopsoas, and Scalene Injections

65. Lumbar Discogenic Pain and Diskography

66. Intradiscal Procedures for the Treatment of Discogenic Lower Back and Leg Pain

67. Minimally Invasive Procedures for Vertebral Compression Fractures

68. Biopsychosocial Prescreening for Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation


69. Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

70. Intrathecal Drug Delivery: Patient Selection, Trialing, and Implantation

71. Joint Injections

72. Radiation Safety and Radiographic Contrast Agents in Pain Medicine

Part VIII. Pain Management in Special Situations and Special Topics

73. The Management of Pain from Sickle Cell Disease

74. Burn Pain

75. Pain Management in the Emergency Department

76. Pain Management in the Critically Ill Patient

77. Pain Management at the End of Life

78. Pain Management in the Home: Using Cancer Patients as a Model

79. The Health Implications of Disparities in Cancer and Pain Care: Unequal Burdens and Unheard Voices

Part IX: Research, Ethics, and Reimbursement in Pain

80. Clinical Trial Design Methodology for Pain Outcome Studies

81. Ethics of Research in Patients with Pain

82. Postoperative Pain Management: Trends and Future Directions and Areas in Need

of Investigation

83. Future Directions and Trends in Pain Management


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