When the first edition of this pioneering text was published, only a few dermatologists were trained to utilize the dermatoscope for the diagnosis and follow-up of hair diseases. The technique is now more popular worldwide, prompting the development of this updated second edition, which now includes a section devoted entirely to nail dermoscopy and also covers many hair disorders that were not previously discussed.
Topics covered include alopecias, hair shaft disorders, hair root evaluation, pediatric hair disorders, hair weathering, inflammatory scalp disorders, infections, dermoscopy of the black scalp, body hair disorders, and dermoscopy-guided biopsies.
Also covered is dermoscopy of the nail plate, the proximal nail fold, the hyponychium, and the distal edge of the nail plate. The book discusses inflammatory nail disorders, traumatic nail disorders, onychomycosis, melanonychia, and nail tumors. This essential new edition facilitates diagnosis of hair disorders and provides clinicians with important clues about disease stage and progression.
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