Dr. Paul L. Marino’s concise, engaging writing style is just one of many reasons that Marino’s The ICU Book is the best-selling reference in critical care. This highly regarded, full-color resource contains the essential information needed to care for patients in any ICU, regardless of the specialty designation of the unit. The newly revised Fifth Edition continues the focus on practical aspects of patient care and will appeal to anyone with an interest in the care of critically ill patients. The intended audience incudes medical students, interns and residents in medicine, surgery, and anesthesiology, critical care physicians and nurses, physician’s assistants, respiratory therapists, and paramedics.
Dr. Marino has been a practicing critical care specialist for 44 years, and the material in his book is a reflection of this vast experience.
The text has been completely rewritten and incorporates the latest concepts and most recent clinical practice guidelines.
Because this is a single-author text, the writing and style are consistent from chapter to chapter, and redundancies are held to a minimum.
New chapters have been added on fluid management, approaches to clinical shock, acute pulmonary embolism, liver failure, and acute pancreatitis.
As in prior editions, there are numerous illustrations and tables that highlight the material in the text, and each chapter ends with a section called “A Final Word” that presents a take-home message from the chapter.
The text will be updated quarterly to include recently published guidelines and pertinent clinical studies.
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