Rau`s Respiratory Care Pharmacology, 11/e
Douglas S. Gardenhire EdD RRT-NPS FAARC
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464 Pages
11 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

You can breathe a little easier knowing there’s a proven way to master respiratory pharmacology! For more than 30 years, Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology has been the preeminent text on the subject. With easy-to-grasp terminology, relatable explanations, and reader-friendly writing, it simplifies the process of learning pharmacology material like never before. Rau’s is organized into three logical sections, covering the basics of respiratory care, frequently used drugs, and critical care medications. New to the 11th edition are recently approved FDA drugs, information on drug approvals, COVID-19 coverage, and new and updated Clinical Connection boxes that focus on important clinical questions, assisting you in connecting the information in the text to the clinical setting and addressing how Respiratory Therapists can help educate patients.

    • Clinical scenarios with follow-up SOAP assessment help you assess your comprehension of the material.
    • Self-assessment questions offer you thought-provoking opportunities to test your comprehension of key concepts.
    • Learning objectives parallel the levels tested by the NBRC® exams to help you identify important information that goes beyond memorization and recall.
    • Key terms with definitions provide easy access to the pharmacologic vocabulary you should embrace.
    • Key points boxes in each chapter highlight important concepts in the lesson.
    • Glossary of all key terms in the text aids you in understanding the terminology associated with respiratory care pharmacology.
    • Appendices on common Units and Systems of Measurement and Acceptable Mixtures provide references to need-to-know information such as abbreviations, conversion charts for temperatures, liquid metric and solids, and a simple drug compatibility chart for drug mixtures.
    • Alphabetical drug index provides a direct index to look up information based on drug name.
      • NEW and UPDATED! Clinical Connection boxes assist you in connecting information in the text to the clinical setting, including providing patients a better understanding of their clinical conditions as related to their drug treatments.
      • UPDATED! Chapter 1 reflects changes to drug approval.
      • UPDATED! Chapter 3 reflects changes in aerosol medication devices and addresses aerosol-generating device issues and COVID-19.
      • UPDATED! The latest FDA-approved medications are referencedin all chapters.
      • UPDATED! Current asthma (GINA) and COPD (GOLD) guidelines include COVID-19 treatment protocols.
      • Enhanced readability helps you more easily understand difficult material.

      Unit A: Basic Concepts and Principles in Pharmacology
      1 Introduction to Respiratory Care Pharmacology
      2 Principles of Drug Action
      3 Administration of Aerosolized Agents
      4 Calculating Drug Doses
      5 Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
      Unit B: Drugs Used to Treat the Respiratory System
      6 Adrenergic (Sympathomimetic) Bronchodilators
      7 Anticholinergic (Parasympatholytic) Bronchodilators
      8 Xanthines
      9 Mucus-Controlling Drug Therapy
      10 Surfactant Agents
      11 Corticosteroids in Respiratory Care
      12 Nonsteroidal Antiasthma Agents
      13 Aerosolized Antiinfective Agents
      14 Antimicrobial Agents
      15 Cold and Cough Agents
      16 Selected Agents of Pulmonary Value
      17 Neonatal and Pediatric Aerosolized Drug Therapy
      Unit C: Critical Care, Cardiovascular, and Polysomnography Agents
      18 Skeletal Muscle Relaxants (Neuromuscular Blocking Agents)
      19 Diuretic Agents
      20 Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System
      21 Vasopressors, Inotropes, and Antiarrhythmic Agents
      22 Drugs Affecting Circulation: Antihypertensives, Antianginals, Antithrombotics
      23 Sleep and Sleep Pharmacology
      A Answers to Self-Assessment Questions and Clinical Scenarios
      B Units and Systems of Measurement
      C Acceptable Mixtures of Most Commonly Prescribed Respiratory Care Drugs
      Glossary of Selected Terms
      Abbreviations, Inside back cover


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