It uniquely addresses the expanding role of the various health care professions which require increased knowledge and skills in screening for contra-indications and recognizing the need for medical-surgical referral. Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes also stresses the integration of experiential knowledge and a pathophysiologic rationale with current best evidence.
Part 1 Introduction
Louise Thwaites, Karen Walker-Bone
History taking
Peter A Huijbregts
Physical examination
Shane Koppenhaver, Timothy Flynn
Imaging studies
Hilmir Agustsson
Electrodiagnostic studies
Caroline A Quartly
Myofascial trigger points
Jozef L M Franssen, Carel Bron, Jan Dommerholt
Part 2 Cervical-thoracic spine
Mechanical neck pain
Bryan S Dennison, Michael H Leal
Whiplash associated disorders
Michele Sterling
Cervical myelopathy and radiculopathy
Chad E Cook, AmyE Cook
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Susan W Stralka
Thoracic spine manipulation
William Egan, Paul Glynn, Joshua A Cleland
Cervical spine mobilization and manipulation
John R Krauss, Douglas S Creighton
Therapeutic exercise for mechanical neck pain
Carol Kennedy
Part 3 The shoulder region
Acromio-clavicular joint
Janette W Powell, Ian Shrier, Peter A Huijbregts
Sterno-clavicular joint
Erland Pettman
Rotator cuff lesions: shoulder impingement
Peter A Huijbregts, Carel Bron
Gleno-humeral instability
Steven C Allen, Russell S VanderWilde, Peter Huijbregts
Superior labrum anterior-to-posterior (SLAP) lesions
Janette W Powell, Peter A Huijbregts
Frozen shoulder
Carel Bron, Arthur de Gast, Jozef L M Franssen
Mobilization with movement of the shoulder joint
Wayne Hing, Jack Miller
Motor control of the shoulder region
Mary E Magarey, Mark A Jones
Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder region
Johnson McEvoy, Kieran O'Sullivan, Carel Bron
Part 4 The elbow region
Elbow tendinopathy: lateral epicondylalgia
Bill Vicenzino
Other elbow disorders: elbow instability arthritic conditions
Chris Sebelski
Joint mobilization and manipulation of the elbow
Helen Slater, César Fernández de las Peñas
Part 5 The wrist and hand regions
Tendinopathies of the wrist and hand
C Joseph Yelvington, Ellen J Pong
Wrist instability
Ellen J Pong
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Luca Padua, Costanza Pazzaglia, Ana Isabel-de-la-Llave-Rincón
Nerve compression syndromes of the forearm
Joy C MacDermid, David M Walton
Joint mobilization and manipulation
Peter A Huijbregts, Freddy M Kaltenborn, Traudi B Kaltenborn
Finger and thumb pathology
Joy C MacDermid, Ruby Grewal, Jane Freure
Part 6 Muscle referred pain
Referred pain from muscle/myofascial trigger points
César Fernández de las Peñas, Hong-You Ge, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Jan Dommerholt, David G Simons
Manual treatment of myofascial trigger points
César Fernández de las Peñas, Hong-You Ge, Jan Dommerholt
Dry needling of trigger points
Jan Dommerholt
Muscle energy approaches
Gary Fryer
Myofascial induction approaches
Andrzej Pilat
Part 7 Neurodynamics of the upper quadrant
Peripheral mechanisms of chronic arm pain
Jane Greening, Andrew Dilley
Clinical interventions and physiological effects
Paul Mintken, Emilio Puentedura, Adriaan Louw
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