Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy 해외주문가능
Doris Pierce PhD OTR/L FAOTA
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384 Pages
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Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy articulates how occupational science research produces unique insights into occupation and increases the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions. This text illustrates the four key types of knowledge now being researched in occupational science: dex_scriptive, relational, predictive, and prex_scriptive. This text also offers a comprehensive review of occupational science's history of emergence from the needs and interests of occupational therapy, conflicting origins and intents, and ongoing development as a discipline within academia. In Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy, Dr. Doris Pierce and an outstanding group of occupational scientists explain how their discoveries build the science and support practice. A rich variety of methods and perspectives mark the work of these career scientists as they respond to the knowledge base needs of occupational therapy. This fully evidence-based text also brings the research experience alive for occupational therapy students, describing the passions, challenges, and choices that are the reality of research as an occupation. All research chapters discuss how findings build both science and practice, including learning supports in which students can try out research activities, explore assessment, or develop interventions. Most importantly, Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy provides new and experienced practitioners a thorough exploration of the latest research in occupation-based practice. Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy synthesizes key works by occupational scientists, including a foreword by Dr. Elizabeth Yerxa, founder of the science. Occupational therapy and occupational science students, practitioners, and faculty will especially appreciate this book's comprehensive coverage of work by current leaders of research on occupation-based practice.
About the Editor
Contributing Authors
Foreword by Elizabeth J. Yerxa, EdD, LhD (Hon.), ScD (Hon.), DMed (Hon.), OTR, FAOTA

Chapter 1 Occupational Science: A Powerful Disciplinary Knowledge Base for Occupational Therapy
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Section I Level 1 Research: How Does Occupational Science Provide Dex_scriptive
Knowledge to Strengthen Occupational Therapy?
Chapter 2 Occupational Science Research Describing Occupation
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 3 The Occupation of Caregiving
Betty Risteen Hasselkus, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Chapter 4 A Research Program on the Occupation of Mate Selection
Sheama Krishnagiri, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 5 Environmental Influences on Daily Time Use and Well-Being
Wendy H. Wood, PhD, OTR, FAOTA
Chapter 6 In Search of Graphical Methods to Describe Morning Routines in Occupational Science
Charlotte Brasic Royeen, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Section II Level 2 Research: How Does Occupational Science Provide Knowledge of
Relations Between Occupation and Other Phenomena?
Chapter 7 Relational Research in Occupational Science
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 8 Participation of Children With Physical Disabilities in Everyday Occupations
Mary Law, PhD, FCAOT, FCAHS and Gillian King, PhD
Chapter 9 Participation and Engagement in Occupation in Adults With Disabilities
Lisa Tabor Connor, PhD; Timothy J. Wolf, OTD, MSCI, OTR/L;
Erin R. Foster, OTD, MSCI; Mary W. Hildebrand, OTD, OTR/L; and
Carolyn M. Baum, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 10 Living With HIV Infection: Insights Into Occupational Markers of
Health and Occupational Adaptation
Matthew Molineux, BOccThy, MSc, PhD; Jenny Strong, BOccThy, MOccThy, PhD; and
Wendy Rickard, PhD
Chapter 11 Different Ways of Doing Food: Cultural Influences on Food Preparation
Clare Hocking, PhD, NZROT; Anne Shordike, PhD, OTR/L; Soisuda Vittayakorn, BS;
Wannipa Bunrayong, PhD; Phuanjai Rattakorn, PhD;
Valerie A. Wright-St Clair, PhD, MPH, DipProfEthics, DipBusStudies, DipOccTherapy; and
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 12 Reflecting on the Socially Situated and Constructed Nature of Occupation:
A Research Program Addressing the Contemporary Restructuring of Retirement
Debbie Laliberte Rudman, PhD, OT Reg (ON)
Chapter 13 Intimate Partner Violence: Balancing Issues of Identity, Disability Culture, and
Occupational Justice to Inform Occupational Therapy Practice
Diane L. Smith, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Claudia List Hilton, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 14 Enacting Occupational Justice in Research and Policy Development:
Highlighting the Experience of Occupational Deprivation in Forced Migration 169
Gail Whiteford, BAppSc (Occ Therapy), MHSc (Occ Therapy), PhD

Section III Level 3 Research: How Does Occupational Science Provide
Predictive Knowledge to Support Occupational Therapy?
Chapter 15 Predictive Research in Occupational Science
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 16 The Daily Experiences of Pleasure, Productivity and Restoration Profile:
A Measure of Subjective Experiences
Karen Atler, PhD, OTR
Chapter 17 Development of the Self-Discovery Tapestry
Phyllis J. Meltzer, PhD, MSG, MS
Chapter 18 Researching Retirement: Studies That Lead to New Ways to Look at Freedom and the
Categorization of Occupation
Hans Jonsson, OT(reg), PhD
Chapter 19 Understanding the Development of Occupational Potential Over Time Through the
Analysis of Life Stories
Alison Wicks, PhD, MHSc(OT), BAppSc(OT)
Chapter 20 The Exploration of Quality of Life Through Q Methodology
Susan Corr, DipCOT, MPhil, PhD and Alexandra Palombi, BSc OT (hons), MSC OT

Section IV Level 4 Research: How Does Occupational Science Enhance
Occupational Therapy Through Research on Occupation in Practice?
Chapter 21 Occupation in Practice
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 22 The Test of Grocery Shopping Skills: Assessing Occupation in a Natural Environment
Catana Brown, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA and Melisa Rempfer, PhD
Chapter 23 How Occupation Emerges in the Practices of Occupational Therapists:
Therapeutic Strategies That Address Occupation
Pollie Price, PhD, OTR/L
Chapter 24 Pediatric Therapists’ Perceptions of the Dynamics of Occupation-Based Practice
Joanne Phillips Estes, MS, OTR/L and Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Chapter 25 Developing an Integrated Occupational Science Research Program:
The USC Well Elderly and Pressure Ulcer Prevention Studies
Florence A. Clark, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Jeanne Jackson, PhD, OTR, FAOTA; and
Elizabeth A. Pyatak, PhD, OTR/L
Chapter 26 Enhancing Occupation-Based Practice at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center
Michele Berro, MA, OTR/L and Lisa Deshaies, OTR/L, CHT
Chapter 27 The Use of Occupation in Hand Therapy
Donna Colaianni, PhD, OTR/L, CHT and Ingrid Provident, EdD, OTR/L
Chapter 28 Putting Knowledge of Occupation to Work for Youth at Risk
Elaine Fehringer, MA, OTR/L; Amy Marshall, PhD, OTR/L; Karen Summers, MS, OTR/L; and
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Chapter 29 Occupational Science for Occupational Therapy: A Look Into the Future
Doris Pierce, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

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