Find the healthcare career that`s right for you! Health Careers Today, 7th Edition provides a complete overview of the most popular careers in health care, helping you make an informed decision in choosing a profession. Not only does this book discuss the roles and responsibilities of different occupations, it provides a solid foundation in the skills and competencies that each health career requires. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and treatments provide essential knowledge of the human body and show how health concepts apply to the work of various professionals. From experienced educator Judith Gerdin, this edition adds new coverage of skills and the changing healthcare environment; an Evolve website includes anatomy animations, videos of skills and careers, and more.
Unit I: Healthcare Today
1. Healthcare in the United States
2. Healthcare Facilities and Organizations
3. Healthcare Delivery and Patient Workflow
4. Healthcare Workforce
5. Healthcare Law and Ethics
Unit II: Healthcare Fundamentals
6. Medical Terminology and Body Systems
7. Medical Mathematics and Calculations
8. Health Insurance and the Revenue Cycle
9. Healthcare Technology and HER
10. Basic Accounting and Finance
11. Wellness, Growth, and Development
12. Safety and Health Practices
13. Professionalism and Effective Communication
14. Cultural Competence and Workplace Diversity
15. Employment and Career Development
16. Academic Foundation
Unit III: Healthcare Careers
17. Physicians and Clinical Support Professionals
18. Nursing Professionals
19. Pharmacists and Pharmacy Support Staff
20. Respiratory Care Professionals
21. Surgical Technologists
22. Physical and Occupational Therapy Careers
23. Diagnostic Imaging Careers
24. Phlebotomists and Dialysis Technicians
25. Clinical Laboratory Technicians
26. Biotechnology Research and Development Professionals
27. Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists
28. Dieticians and Nutritionists
29. Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics
30. Health Information Professionals
31. Health Insurance Professionals
32. Dental Professionals
33. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Careers
34. Forensic and Mortuary Science Professionals
35. Social and Mental Health Professionals
Appendix I: Medical Milestones
Appendix II: Common Prefixes, Word Roots, and Suffixes
Appendix III: Abbreviations and Symbols
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