Gray`s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, 42/e
Susan Standring PhD DSc
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1606 Pages
42 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Musculoskeletal MRI, 3e Nancy M. Major, MD and Mark W. Anderson, MD 253,000 227,700won
신간 해외주문가능
Gray`s Atlas of Anatomy, 3e Drake, Vogl, Mitchell, Tibbitts, Richardson 120,000 107,700won
Gray`s Anatomy for Students Flash Cards, 4/e Drake PhD FAAA, Richard 67,000 59,800won
Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set, 4e Peter C. Neligan MB FRCS(I) FRCSC FACS 2,358,000 1,265,000won
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번역서 베스트
레지던트를 위한 혈액투석 첫걸음 門川俊明 24,000 22,800won
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Susan Standring, MBE, PhD, DSc, FKC, Hon FAS, Hon FRCS

Trust Gray`s. Building on over 160 years of anatomical excellence

In 1858, Drs Henry Gray and Henry Vandyke Carter created a book for their surgical colleagues that established an enduring standard among anatomical texts. After more than 160 years of continuous publication, Gray`s Anatomy remains the definitive, comprehensive reference on the subject, offering ready access to the information you need to ensure safe, effective practice. 

This 42nd edition has been meticulously revised and updated throughout, reflecting the very latest understanding of clinical anatomy from the world`s leading clinicians and biomedical scientists. The book`s acclaimed, lavish art programme and clear text has been further enhanced, while major advances in imaging techniques and the new insights they bring are fully captured in state of the art X-ray, CT, MR and ultrasonic images.

The accompanying eBook version is richly enhanced with additional content and media, covering all the body regions, cell biology, development and embryogenesis - and now includes two new systems-orientated chapters. This combines to unlock a whole new level of related information and interactivity, in keeping with the spirit of innovation that has characterised Gray`s Anatomy since its inception.  

Each chapter has been edited by international leaders in their field, ensuring access to the very latest evidence-based information on topics

Over 150 new radiology images, offering the very latest X-ray, multiplanar CT and MR perspectives, including state-of-the-art cinematic rendering 

The downloadable Expert Consult eBook version included with your (print) purchase allows you to easily search all of the text, figures, references and videos from the book on a variety of devices 

Electronic enhancements include additional text, tables, illustrations, labelled imaging and videos, as well as 21 specially commissioned `Commentaries` on new and emerging topics related to anatomy 

Now featuring two extensive electronic chapters providing full coverage of the peripheral nervous system and the vascular and lymphatic systems. 

The result is a more complete, practical and engaging resource than ever before, which will prove invaluable to all clinicians who require an accurate, in-depth knowledge of anatomy.


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