Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 21e 베스트 해외주문가능 ebook포함
Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., JR. , MD
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2176 pages
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외과 사비스톤 21판에 대한 신간정보 공유드립니다.

주요 개정사항

1. 유체 및 전해질 관리, 대사 서포트, 상처 치유와 같은 외과적 특수성에 공통되는 원리로 시작하는 명확하고 일관된 진행 과정을 따릅니다.

2. 아래와 같은 주요 주제를 다뤘습니다.

- emerging surgical technologies and devices

- regenerative medicine

- the latest concepts in cancer biology and treatments

- evidence-based management and treatment

3. 최신의 최소 침습적 기법과 표시된 경우의 로봇 사용을 강조하였습니다.

4. 2,000개 이상의 일러스트와 수술 사진, 그리고 25개의 시술 비디오가 있어서 빠르게 수술 기법을 이해할 수 있습니다.

5. 수술 기법을 확인하고 훈련하며 국가고시 준비를 위한 도식도(schematic diagrams), 요약표(summary tables), 상자(boxes), 알고리즘(algorithms)를 제공합니다.

6. 새로운 저자와 전문지식을 통해 로봇 수술(robotic surgery)과 태아 수술(fetal surgery)에 대한 Chapter 를 추가하였습니다.

7. 레지던트 선생님들께서 접하는 주제와 머리, 목, 흉부, 혈관, 비뇨기과, 신경외과, 소아과, 산부인과 등 전문 분야에 대한 심층적인 내용을 업데이트 하였습니다.

8. 도서 구매 시, ebook을 무료로 사용할 수 있도록 포함하였습니다.

For more than 80 years, Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice has been the go-to text for trainees and surgeons at all levels of experience for definitive guidance on every aspect of general surgery. As the oldest continuously published textbook of surgery in North America, this fully revised 21st Edition continues to provide the key information, essential teaching pearls, and completely updated content needed to make the most informed surgical decisions and achieve optimal outcomes for patients. Concisely written and evidence based throughout, it covers the breadth of material required for certification and practice of general surgery, highlighted by detailed, full-color intraoperative illustrations and high-quality video clips.

Key Features

Follows a clear, consistent progression beginning with principles common to surgical specialties including fluid and electrolyte management, metabolic support, and wound healing. Subsequent sections review the management of injury, transplantation, oncology, breast, endocrine, and abdominal procedures.

Covers key topics such as emerging surgical technologies and devices, regenerative medicine, the latest concepts in cancer biology and treatments, and evidence-based management and treatment.

Emphasizes the most up-to-date minimally invasive techniques and the use of robotics when indicated.

Features more than 2,000 superb illustrations and intraoperative photographs and 25 procedural videos that facilitate quick comprehension of surgical techniques.

Includes more schematic diagrams, summary tables, boxes, and algorithms that provide a rich resource for reviewing surgical techniques and preparing for in-training and board exams.

Shares the expertise of dozens of new authors and includes two new chapters on robotic surgery and fetal surgery.

Contains fully updated content on topics encountered by general surgery residents in training as well as in-depth coverage of subspecialty areas including head and neck, thoracic, vascular, urology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, and gynecology.

Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Section 1

1. The Rise of Modern Surgery: An Overview

2. Ethics and Professionalism in Surgery

3. The Inflammatory Response

4. Shock, Electrolytes and Fluid

5. Metabolism in Surgical Patients

6. Wound Healing

7. Regenerative Medicine

8. Critical Assessment of Surgical Outcomes and Health Services

9. Safety in the Surgical Environment

Section 2

10. Principles of Preoperative and Operative Surgery

11. Surgical Infections and Antibiotic Use

12. Surgical Complications

13. Surgery in the Geriatric Patient

14. Anesthesiology Principles, Pain Management, and Conscious Sedation

15. Emerging Technology in Surgery: Informatics, Electronics

16. Robotic Surgery

Section 3

17. Management of Acute Trauma

18. The Difficult Abdominal Wall

19. Emergency Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries

20. Burns

21. Bites and Stings

22. Surgical Critical Care

23. Bedside Surgical Procedures

24. The Surgeon`s Role in Mass Casualty Incidents

Section 4

25. Transplantation Immunobiology and Immunosuppression

26. Liver Transplantation

27. Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation

28. Small Bowel Transplantation

Section 5

29. Tumor Biology and Tumor Markers

30. Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy

31. Melanoma and Cutaneous Malignancies

32. Soft Tissue Sarcomas

33. Bone Tumors

Section 6

34. Head and Neck

Section 7

35. Diseases of the Breast

36. Breast Reconstruction

Section 8

37. Thyroid

38. The Parathyroid Glands

39. Endocrine Pancreas

40. The Adrenal Glands

41. The Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes

Section 9

42. Esophagus

43. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatal Hernia

Section 10

44. Abdominal Wall, Umbilicus, Peritoneum, Mesenteries, Omentum and Retroperitoneum

45. Hernias

46. Acute Abdomen

47. Acute Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

48. Morbid Obesity

49. Stomach

50. Small Intestine

51. The Appendix

52. Colon and Rectum

53. Anus

54. The Liver

55. Biliary System

56. Exocrine Pancreas

57. The Spleen

Section 11

58. Lung, Chest Wall, Pleura and Mediastinum

59. Congenital Heart Disease

60. Acquired Heart Disease: Coronary Insufficiency

61. Acquired Heart Disease: Valvular

Section 12

62. The Aorta

63. Peripheral Arterial Disease

64. Vascular Trauma

65. Venous Disease

66. The Lymphatics

Section 13

67. Pediatric Surgery

68. Neurosurgery

69. Plastic Surgery

70. Hand Surgery

71. Gynecologic Surgery

72. Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

73. Fetal Surgery

74. Urologic Surgery


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