Part of the highly regarded Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery® series,The Spine, Fourth Edition, is a concise, lavishly illustrated reference covering the most advanced, successful surgical techniques for the spine—all in step-by-step detail. Edited by Drs. Todd J. Albert and Thomas A. Zdeblick, this fully revised edition presents the preferred techniques of surgical masters, illustrated with sequential, surgeon’s-eye view intraoperative photographs, as well as superb drawings by noted medical illustrators. New contributing authors and new and rewritten chapters keep you fully up to date with recent changes in the field.
Provides the up-to-date guidance you need to face the challenges of spinal surgery with confidence—helping you minimize error, improve outcomes and increase patient safety
Features a new chapter on Mini ALIF and Oblique Anterior Lumbar Retroperitoneal Approach, as well as up-to-date coverage of robotics and technological advances
Covers indications and contraindications, pitfalls and potential complications, pertinent surgical anatomy, and pearls and tips for improving results
Includes abundant full-color photographs of surgical practice and clear illustrations that reveal areas not visible to the surgeon during a procedure
Helps you acquire both knowledge and skill as you master the art and science of spine surgery with guidance from leading orthopaedic surgeons
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