Cosmetic Injection Techniques, 2/e 해외주문가능
Theda Kontis
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의학 > 외과 > 성형외과
226 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

The quintessential guide to state-of-the-art cosmetic injection approaches, from two renowned experts!

This revised and updated second edition of Cosmetic Injection Techniques: A Text and Video Guide to Neurotoxins and Fillers by esteemed facial plastic surgeons Theda Kontis and Victor Lacombe builds on their bestselling first edition. Content is designed to augment knowledge of beginner injectors and train veteran injectors on how to finesse facial fillers and muscle-relaxing injections. Since publication of the first edition, understanding of the aging face has increased, while the number of non-surgical facial enhancements has continued to skyrocket. The book`s primary focus is the improvement of minor facial irregularities and asymmetries using the latest injection procedures.

Divided into six sections and four appendices, the book starts with the patient consultation and concludes with a new section on fat-dissolving techniques using Kybella. The fillers section features new chapters on choosing the right filler, fine lines and skin boosters, the de Maio technique, the mandibular angle, poly-l-lactic acid for the décolleté, and gender-specific injections. All chapters follow a reader-friendly, consistent format with succinct paragraphs covering indications, injection techniques, anatomic considerations, precautions, risks, pearls, illustrations or photos, and additional reading. Select chapters reflect North American techniques utilized by the authors that vary from East Coast to West Coast.

Key Highlights

  • Precise, full-color illustrations by Sarah Faris afford a detailed look at underlying anatomy
  • 75 superb short video clips narrated by Dr. Kontis provide procedural guidance
  • A section dedicated to neurotoxin injections details the use of neuromodulators such as Botox and Dysport, with new chapters on neurotoxins for the décolleté and profusely sweating forehead
  • A full spectrum of facial augmentation, rejuvenation, and volumization techniques are described, using hyaluronic acid fillers, hyaluronidase, Sculptra, Radiesse, BellaFill, and others
  • Appendix A lists chapters by degree of difficulty, enabling injectors to safely advance to more challenging injection techniques


This is the essential quick-reference guide on injection techniques. Plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, nurse injectors, and physician assistant/nurse practitioner injectors who wish to increase their knowledge of injection methods and refine skills will greatly benefit from this outstanding, easy-to-use manual.

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Section I Introduction to Injectables
1 The Consultation
2 The Physicians Aesthetic Coalition for Injectable Safety

Section II Introduction to Neurotoxins
3 Neurotoxins Overview
4 Neurotoxin Preparation
5 Instrumentation for Neurotoxin Injections

Section III Neurotoxin Injection Techniques
6 Neurotoxin Injection for Glabellar Frown Lines
7 Neurotoxin Injection for Forehead Wrinkles
8 Neurotoxin Injection for Smile Lines and Crow`s Feet
9 Neurotoxin Injection for Lateral Brow Lift
10 Neurotoxin Injection for Chemical Brow Lift
11 Neurotoxin Injection for Lower Eyelid Roll
12 Neurotoxin Injection for Bunny Lines
13 Neurotoxin Injection for Nasal Tip Lift
14 Neurotoxin Injection for Nasal Flare
15 Neurotoxin Injection for Elevating the Oral Commissures
16 Neurotoxin Injection for Lip Lift
17 Neurotoxin Injection for Smoker`s Lines
18 Neurotoxin Injection for Gummy Smile
19 Neurotoxin Injection for Dimpled Chin
20 Neurotoxin Injection for Platysmal Banding
21 Neurotoxin Injection for Necklace Lines
22 Neurotoxin Injection for the Décolleté
23 Neurotoxin Injection for Nefertiti Neck Lift
24 Neurotoxin Injection for Masseter Hypertrophy
25 Neurotoxin Injection for Parotid Gland Hypertrophy
26 Neurotoxin Injection for Submandibular Gland Hypertrophy
27 Neurotoxin Injection for Gustatory Sweating (Frey Syndrome)
28 Neurotoxin Injection for Profusely Sweating Underarms
29 Neurotoxin Injection for Profusely Sweating Scalp and Forehead
30 Neurotoxin Injection for Profusely Sweating Hands
31 Neurotoxin Injection for Profusely Sweating Feet
32 Neurotoxin Injection for Chronic Migraines
33 Management of Neurotoxin Injection Complications

Section IV Introduction to Fillers
34 Fillers Overview
35 Anesthesia Techniques
36 Filler Injection Methods
37 Choosing the Right Filler

Section V Filler Injection Techniques
38 Filler Injection for Nasolabial Folds
39 Filler Injection with Polymethyl Methacrylate (Bellafill)
40 Fine Line Fillers and Skin Boosters
41 Filler Injection for Marionette Lines
42 Filler Injection for Lip Augmentation
43 Filler Injection for Elevating the Oral Commissures
44 Filler Injection for Vertical Lip Lines
45 Filler Injection for Glabellar Frown Lines
46 Filler Injection for Forehead Wrinkles
47 Filler Injection for Tear Trough Deformity
48 Filler Injection for Sunken Upper Eyelids
49 Filler Injection for Lateral Brow Lift
50 Filler Injection for Sunken Temples
51 Filler Injection for Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty
52 Filler Injection for Nasal Valve Stenting
53 Filler Injection for Medial Midface Hollowing
54 Filler Injection for Cheekbone Augmentation
55 Filler Injection for Sunken Cheeks
56 Filler Injection for Cheek Lift: de Maio Technique
57 Filler Injection for Chin Augmentation
58 Filler Injection for the Mental Crease
59 Filler Injection for Jawline Rejuvenation
60 Filler Injection for Mandibular Angle Augmentation
61 Filler Injection for Earlobe Rejuvenation
62 Filler Injection for Acne Scars
63 Filler Injection for Aging Hands
64 Filler Injection with Poly-L-Lactic Acid for Facial Volumizing (Sculptra)
65 Filler Injection with Poly-L-Lactic Acid for the Décolleté
66 The "Liquid Facelift"
67 Gender-Specific Injections
68 Management of Filler Injection Complications

Section VI Fat-Dissolving Injections
69 Submental Fat Reduction

Section VII Appendices
Appendix A: Neurotoxin/Filler Injection Techniques by Advancing Difficulty and Injector`s Experience
Appendix B: Sample Informed Consent Form for Neurotoxin Injections
Appendix C: Sample Informed Consent Form for Filler Injections
Appendix D: Sample Informed Consent Form for Kybella Treatment


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