John B. Tebbetts, MD, a pioneer in the field of breast augmentation, redefines the surgeon/patient experience in this comprehensive book. By exhaustively covering everything you need to know about breast augmentation, Dr. Tebbets allows for tightly focused guidance that is principle- rather than experienced-based, with numerous decision-making algorithms and outcome-based techniques, not just one-answer solutions. The book addresses topics that range from anesthesia and case studies of specific implants to practical matters like practice management. The included DVD is just as broad-based in its approach, containing not just dynamic video clips, but detailed operative x_x_x_scripts, the High FiveTM assessment and decision support system for implant selection and operative planning and the Patient education system for 24 hour recovery.
Key Features
• Focuses exclusively on breast augmentation to make coverage as comprehensive as possible.
• Includes much-needed information on practice management, including patient consent, systems analysis, marketing, and data acquisitions.
• Addresses pre-, intra-, and postoperative care of patient for guidance from start to finish.
• Utilizes a separate chapter for each approach to breast augmentation: inframammary, axillary, periaereolar, or umbilical.
• Incorporates case studies of specific implants to help you make the right decision for your patients.
• Details TEPID (Tissue characteristics of the Envelope and Parenchyma, the Implant, and Dimensions and filler dynamics of the implant) system: the first three-dimensional modeling system for quantitating tissue characteristics.
• Comes with a bonus DVD that includes detailed intraoperative video of inframammary, axillary, and periareolar augmentation, dual plane augmentation techniques, customizable patient forms, and more.
• Provides 15 decision-making algorithms for all aspects of implant selection, surgery, and complications----the only published resource to do so.
1. A personal historical perspective
2. Ten Essentials
3. Patient Education, Decisions, and informed Consent
4. Anatomy for augmentation: Cadaver and surgical
5. Photographic imaging of the breast
6. Implants and Implant-Soft tissue dynamics
7. Tissue assessment, dicision processes, and operative planning
8. Implant pocket locations
9. Incision approaches
10. Surgical principles and instrumentation
11. The inframammary approach for augmentation
12. The axillary approach for augmentation
13. The periareolar approach for augmentation
14. Preoperative care, anesthesia and postoperative care
15. Essentials to achieve 24 hour recover
16. Defining difficult decisions and out points
17. Managing problems and patient and FDA concerns
18. Wound healing, capsular contracture, and tissue stretch: Factors surgeon and patient cannot control
19. Glandular ptotic and constricted lower pole breasts
20. Augentation mastopexy
21. Applying proved processes: Clinical case studies
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