This fourth edition of the best-selling textbook, Human Genetics and Genomics, clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of molecular genetics, to clinical applications used in the treatment of both rare and common conditions.
A newly expanded Part 1, Basic Principles of Human Genetics, focuses on introducing the reader to key concepts such as Mendelian principles, DNA replication and gene expression. Part 2, Genetics and Genomics in Medical Practice, uses case scenarios to help you engage with current genetic practice.
Now featuring full-color diagrams, Human Genetics and Genomics has been rigorously updated to reflect today’s genetics teaching, and includes updated discussion of genetic risk assessment, “single gene” disorders and therapeutics.
Key learning features include:
Accompanied by the enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (included in the price of the book), Human Genetics and Genomics is also fully supported by a suite of online resources at, including:
The perfect companion to the genetics component of both problem-based learning and integrated medical courses, Human Genetics and Genomics presents the ideal balance between the bio-molecular basis of genetics and clinical cases, and provides an invaluable overview for anyone wishing to engage with this fast-moving discipline.
The book contains both black-and-white and two-color illustrations.
1 DNA Structure and Function
2 Genetic Variation
3 Patterns of Inheritance
4 The Human Genome
5 Multifactorial Inheritance
6 Cell Division and Chromosomes
7 Population Genetics
8 Cancer Genetics
9 Chromosome Translocation
10 Molecular Diagnosis
11 Newborn Screening
12 Developmental Genetics
13 Carrier Screening
14 Genetic Risk Assessment
15 Genetic Testing for Risk of Cancer
16 Pharmacogenetics
17 Treatment of Genetic Disorders
Answers to Review Questions
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군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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