Nursing2021 Drug Handbook, 41/e
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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1904 Pages
41 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Find complete monographs for more than 3,700 generic, brand-name, and combination drugs—including essential details on 63 NEW FDA-approved drugs—with important nursing and safety considerations for each and every one in the 41st edition of the Nursing2021 Drug Handbook.

Monographs are consistently formatted for ease of use and focus on the practical information that nurses need. Each monograph consists of generic and trade names, pronunciation key, therapeutic and pharmacologic classes, controlled substance schedule (if applicable), available forms, indications and dosages, administration (with drug incompatibilities for IV drugs), action (including tables showing route, onset, peak, duration, and half-life), adverse reactions, interactions, effects on lab test results, contraindications, nursing considerations, and patient teaching.

You can always count on the Nursing2021 Drug Handbook to tell you unapproved, off-label drug uses so you`ll always know why a drug is prescribed. And, this year, be a more confident nurse with fingertip access to all 63 new drugs, including 25 new comprehensive drug monographs, alphabetized and conveniently grouped in a handy “New Drugs” section. In this edition, you’ll find:

Over 8,200 clinical updates—new dosages and indications, Black Box warnings, adverse reactions, nursing considerations, clinical x_x_alerts, and patient teaching information

28 appendices covering such topics as Prex_x_scription drug abuse, Safe disposal of unused drugs, Ophthalmic drugs, Biosimilar drugs, and many more

Special attention to drug safety issues and concerns (U.S. and Canada)

Adjust-a-dose feature for dosage adjustments needed by special populations

Administration guidelines for all appropriate routes

Full-color pill guide containing 450 drug images of the most commonly prescribed drugs

Increased coverage of adverse reactions! Includes those that occur with 1% & greater frequency, with special emphasis on life-threatening adverse reactions

Chapters on drug classes, drug safety, drug interactions, and drug therapy across the lifespan

Combination drugs section

Elder care medication tips and pediatric drug-error information in appendices

Evidence-based off-label indications and dosages

FDA Black Box Warnings in appropriate drug monographs

Interactions by Drug-drug, Drug-food, Drug-lab tests, Drug-alternative therapy clearly identified

Less Commonly Used Drugs appendix, including indications and dosages for infrequently used drugs

Overdose signs & symptoms, where appropriate

Robust Web Toolkit with hundreds of tools and resources, including monthly drug updates, warnings, and news capsules

Safe Drug Administration chapter covering the most current guidelines, ISMP initiatives, and contemporary patient safety issues (such as opioid administration), preventing and treating extravasation, and preventing exposure to hazardous drugs

Safety x_x_alerts for potentially toxic drugs, IV drug incompatibility, toxic drug-drug interactions, and much more


4. Selected therapeutic drug classifi cations ............................................

Alphabetical listing of drugs by generic name

New drugs ......................................................................................

Appendices ....................................................................................

1. Avoiding common drug errors: Best practices and pr

2. Pregnancy risk categories: The FDA ’s Final Rule

3. Controlled substance schedules .....................................................

4. Abbreviations to avoid (The Joint Commission)

5. Pediatric drugs commonly involved in drug err

6. Elder care medication tips .............................................................

7. Prex_x_scription drug abuse: Identifying and treating to

8. Understanding biosimilar drugs ....................................................

9. Nursing process: Patient safety during drug ther

10. Serotonin syndrome: What you should know to pr

your patient ...................................................................................

11. Tumor lysis syndrome: A life-threatening emer

12. Antidiarrheals: Indications and dosages ........................................

13. Antidotes: Indications and dosages ...............................................

14. Selected biologicals and blood derivatives: Indica

and dosages ...................................................................................

15. Common combination drugs: Indications and dosa

16. Vaccines and toxoids: Indications and dosages

17. Vitamins and minerals: Indications and dosages

18. Antacids: Indications and dosages ................................................

19. Laxatives: Indications and dosages ...............................................

20. Additional OTC drugs: Indications and dosages

21. Selected ophthalmic drugs: Indications and dosa

22. Do not use: Dangerous abbreviations, symbols

dose designations (ISMP Canada) ................................................

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