Living Vegetarian For Dummies, 2/e
Suzanne M. Babich
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의학 > 임상각과 > 가정의학과
432 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian, whatever―you’ll love your new, healthier diet

Whether you’re going totally meatless or just eating less meat, Living Vegetarian For Dummies is your source for practical info and advice on embracing the veg-head lifestyle. Lose weight, lower your cholesterol, reduce your carbon footprint, decrease your risk of heart disease and certain cancers―it’s all possible when you turn to plants instead of animals to fuel you. We’ve got pro tips on planning meals, ordering at restaurants, and balancing your dietary needs. Plus, recipes so delicious you’ll wonder why you ever thought you needed meat in the first place.

  • Discover the health and environmental benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle
  • Transition away from a meat-centered diet with easy recipes and meal plans
  • Find plant-based alternatives to your favorite meat products
  • Get tips for navigating menus while eating out and replacing meat in your daily routine

Living Vegetarian For Dummies is for anyone who wants to learn more about what it means to be mostly or completely vegetarian. We make it easy to transition, with this fun and straightforward guide.

Introduction 1

Part 1: Being Vegetarian: What It’s All About 7

Chapter 1: Vegetarianism 101: Starting with the Basics 9

Chapter 2: Vegetarians Are Sprouting Up All Over: Why Meatless Makes Sense 25

Chapter 3: Nutrition Know-How for Living Vegetarian 39

Chapter 4: Supplement Smarts 65

Chapter 5: Making the Transition to Meat-Free 81

Part 2: Planning and Preparing Your Vegetarian Kitchen 97

Chapter 6: Getting Familiar with Common Vegetarian Ingredients 99

Chapter 7: Shopping and Stocking Your Vegetarian Pantry 117

Chapter 8: Cooking Tools and Techniques 139

Part 3: Meals Made Easy: Recipes for Everyone 165

Chapter 9: Beyond Cereal and Toast: Whipping Up Breakfast Basics 167

Chapter 10: Serving Simple Starters 187

Chapter 11: Enjoying Easy Soups, Salads, and Sides 205

Chapter 12: Making Meatless Main Dishes 219

Chapter 13: Baking Easy Breads and Rolls 239

Chapter 14: Dishing Out Delicious Desserts 249

Chapter 15: Celebrating the Holidays, Vegetarian-Style 265

Part 4: Living — and Loving — the Vegetarian Lifestyle 275

Chapter 16: Getting Along When You’re the Only Vegetarian in the House 277

Chapter 17: Vegetarian Etiquette in a Nonvegetarian World 285

Chapter 18: Eating in Restaurants and Other Venues 299

Part 5: Living Vegetarian for a Lifetime 313

Chapter 19: When You’re Expecting: Managing Your Vegetarian Pregnancy 315

Chapter 20: Raising Your Vegetarian Baby 327

Chapter 21: Meatless Meals for Children and Teens 337

Chapter 22: Aging Healthfully: Vegetarian Lifestyles for Adults of All Ages 353

Part 6: The Part of Tens 367

Chapter 23: Ten Sound Reasons for Going Vegetarian 369

Chapter 24: Ten Simple Substitutes for Vegetarian Dishes 375

Chapter 25: Ten Vegetarian Lunchbox Ideas 381

Chapter 26: Ten Vegetarian Dinner Menus 387

Index 393


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