Cognition, Brain & Consciousness,2/e: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience  해외주문가능
Bernard J. Baars, Nicole M. Gage
Academic Press
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672 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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"This is a wonderful introductory cognitive neuroscience textbook that would be an excellent required book for an undergraduate course. I highly recommend it."
-Michael J. Schrift, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, in Doody's

"This is a wonderful, unique textbook, in the form of an edited volume, that makes the field of cognitive neuroscience come alive. It strikes an excellent balance between three interlocking frontiers: behavioral evidence on cognitive processes; neural evidence from brain research, neurology, and neuroimaging; and philosophical responses to this research, pointing out its implications for human consciousness and subjective experience. With its numerous helpful, vivid color illustrations and an engaging writing style throughout, the text makes inherently technical material accessible without losing sight of the exciting new findings and ideas coming from the research. An instructor could find it useful for courses on more than one topic and for courses at more than one level of sophistication. The coverage is sweeping, ranging from the level of the neuron to the whole brain and to the conceptual levels of cognitive psychology and social cognition and emotion. There are many reasons why researchers and instructors in cognitive neuroscience and allied fields need this book.
--Nelson Cowan, Curators' Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA

"Though intended as a text for students of psychology, biology, education and medicine, Cognition, Brain and Consciousness has much to offer the intelligent layperson and even experts in cognitive neuroscience. It's clearly and entertainingly written, abundantly illustrated and content rich, making this complex, but fascinating, field accessible to all."
--Stan Franklin, Ph.D., W. Harry Feinstone Interdisciplinary Research Professor
Director, Institute for Intelligent Systems
The University of Memphis, Tennessee, USA

"Masterfully organized and comprehensive in its coverage, this textbook will surely be THE introduction to cognitive neuroscience. The contributing authors are highly accomplished experts, and details are deftly selected to illustrate principles as well as to launch the curious reader into the exciting but vast realm of the nervous system. Anatomy, sometimes the bane of introductions to the brain, is gracefully interwoven on a need-to-know basis. In a clever use of IT, the accompanying website provides videos of human patients as well as powerpoint slides for anatomy and physiology. The companion website will be updated regularly with the latest results, and in the open-source tradition, website ideas are solicited from imaginative readers. A powerful pedagogical achievement, and a boon for both the novice and the advanced student."
--Patricia Smith Churchland, Chair
UC President's Professor of Philosophy
University of California San Diego, USA

"Comprehensive, authoritative and beautifully illustrated, this is a superb introduction to cognitive neuroscience. It is ideally suited as a text to accompany an undergraduate or graduate course. The depth and sophistication of its treatment of key topics make it more than a mere introductory text, though, and it can be read with profit by all with an interest in how the brain supports cognition, whether student or established researcher."
--Michael D. Rugg, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California, Irvine, USA

--This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition.

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This is the fully revised and updated second edition of the very sucessful introductory textbook on cognitive neuroscience. Written by two leading experts in the field, this textbook book takes a unique thematic approach to introduce concepts of cognitive neurosciences, guiding students along a clear path to understand the latest findings whether or not they have a background in neuroscience. New to this edition are Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience text boxes; each one focuses on a leading researcher and their topic of expertise. There is a new chapter on Genes and Molecules of Cognition, and all other chapters have been thoroughly revised, based on the most recent discoveries.

  • New edition of a very successful textbook
  • Completely revised to reflect new advances, and feedback from adopters and students
  • Includes a new chapter on Genes and Molecules of Cognition

For Teachers:

  • Rapid adoption and course preparation: A wide array of instructor support materials are available online including PowerPoint lecture slides, a test bank with answers, and eFlashcords on key concepts for each chapter.
  • A textbook with an easy-to-understand thematic approach: in a way that is clear for students from a variety of academic backgrounds, the text introduces concepts such as working memory, selective attention, and social cognition.
  • A step-by-step guide for introducing students to brain anatomy: color graphics have been carefully selected to illustrate all points and the research explained. Beautifully clear artist's drawings are used to 'build a brain' from top to bottom, simplifying the layout of the brain.

For students:

  • An easy-to-read, complete introduction to mind-brain science: all chapters begin from mind-brain functions and build a coherent picture of their brain basis. A single, widely accepted functional framework is used to capture the major phenomena.
  • Learning Aids include a student support site with study guides and exercises, a new Mini-Atlas of the Brain and a full Glossary of technical terms and their definitions.
  • Richly illustrated with hundreds of carefully selected color graphics to enhance understanding.


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