Bipolar Disorder For Dummies, 4/e
Candida Fink
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의학 > 임상각과 > 정신건강과
448 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Wrap your mind around bipolar disorder and understand your treatment options

Bipolar Disorder For Dummies, 4th Edition explains everything about this common mental health diagnosis in easy-to-understand terms. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you aren’t alone. This book helps make sense of options when it comes to medications, therapies, and treatments that could improve your quality of life. You can live a full life with bipolar disorder by managing your symptoms and following a solid treatment plan. With compassionate advice and friendly insights, this book empowers you with the information you need to find support for yourself or assist a loved one who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This updated edition covers emerging and alternative therapies, including ketamine, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), marijuana, and psychedelics.

  • Get the latest on medical, therapeutic, and self-help strategies for bipolar management
  • Navigate your way through the challenges of a bipolar diagnosis
  • Learn the chemistry behind bipolar disorder―in terms anyone can understand
  • Control symptoms, function in times of crisis, and plan ahead for manic or depressive episodes

If you suspect you may have bipolar disorder, if you have recently been diagnosed, or if you have a loved one with bipolar disorder, this Dummies guide offers you an accessible resource for learning all the basics.

Introduction 1

Part 1: Getting Started on Your Bipolar Journey 5

Chapter 1: Grasping Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms and Diagnosis 7

Chapter 2: Exploring Possible Causes: The Brain and Body Science of Bipolar Disorder 29

Chapter 3: Reining in Bipolar Disorder: Prognosis and Treatments 49

Part 2: Obtaining a Diagnosis, Developing a Treatment Plan, and Building a Team 61

Chapter 4: Getting an Accurate Diagnosis 63

Chapter 5: Building Your Treatment Plan 91

Chapter 6: Building a Winning Mood-Management Team 103

Part 3: Managing the Biology of Bipolar Disorder 119

Chapter 7: Leveling Moods with Medication 121

Chapter 8: Coming to Terms with Medications and Their Side Effects 149

Chapter 9: Expanding Your Biological Treatment Options 169

Chapter 10: Addressing Bipolar Disorder Across Diverse Communities 185

Part 4: Developing Essential Survival Skills 205

Chapter 11: Exploring Self Help and Professional Therapies 207

Chapter 12: Making Lifestyle Adjustments 227

Chapter 13: Communicating Effectively 245

Chapter 14: Solving Problems and Resolving Conflict 259

Chapter 15: Planning Ahead for a Mood Episode 271

Part 5: Dealing with the Fallout 283

Chapter 16: From Hospitalization to Recovery 285

Chapter 17: Returning to Work or Not 301

Chapter 18: Overcoming Financial Setbacks 315

Part 6: Assisting a Friend or Relative with Bipolar Disorder 329

Chapter 19: Supporting Your Loved One 331

Chapter 20: Dealing with Crisis Situations 345

Chapter 21: Supporting Your Bipolar Child or Teen 361

Part 7: The Part of Tens 389

Chapter 22: Ten Tips for Managing Bipolar 391

Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Help a Loved One with Bipolar Disorder 399

Index 405


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