ABC of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Munib Haroon
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의학 > 임상각과 > 정신건강과
160 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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ABC of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

An accessible and up-to-date discussion of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders

ABC of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

In ABC of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Dr Munib Haroon delivers an insightful and practical introduction to various neurodevelopmental conditions, as well as discussions about their most common comorbid mental health conditions.

The author offers a broad overview of neurodiversity and neurodevelopmental disorders to help you understand how people who are neurodivergent may present in a clinical environment, how they should be assessed, and how they can best be managed. Each chapter provides a list of resources for further reading and for exploring these evolving, important, and fascinating topics in greater detail.

You’ll also find:

  • A thorough introduction to ADHD, autism, intellectual developmental disorders, tics and Tourette’s disorder, developmental co-ordination disorder and specific learning disorder
  • An introduction to clinical and non-clinical outcomes for different neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Chapters on the assessment of mental health conditions in children, young people and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Discussion about the genetic basis of neurodevelopmental disorders, including a specific chapter on this topic
  • A standalone chapter on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Aimed at doctors and mental health practitioners including community paediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, addiction specialists, social workers and trainees in these fields. ABC of Neurodevelopmental Disorders will also benefit healthcare workers who regularly treat neurodivergent people in a variety of settings.

List of Contributors vii

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xi

List of Abbreviations xiii

1 An Introduction to Neurodevelopmental Disorders 1
Munib Haroon

2 An Introduction to ADHD and Its Presentation 5
Munib Haroon

3 The Assessment and Diagnosis of ADHD in Children and Young People 9
Ayesha Qureshi

4 The Treatment and Outcomes of Children and Young People with ADHD 13
Munib Haroon

5 ADHD: Adult Considerations 16
Munib Haroon

6 An Introduction to Autism 21
Munib Haroon

7 The Presentation Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism in Children and Young People 25
Munib Haroon

8 Interventions for Autistic Children and Young People 31
Munib Haroon

9 Autism: Adult Considerations 36
Munib Haroon

10 An Introduction to Intellectual Developmental Disorders 42
Munib Haroon and Keri- Michèle Lodge

11 The Assessment and Diagnosis of Intellectual Developmental Disorders in Children and Young People 45
Munib Haroon and Keri- Michèle Lodge

12 The Treatment of Intellectual Developmental Disorders in Children and Young People 51
Munib Haroon and Keri- Michèle Lodge

13 Intellectual Developmental Disorders in Adults 55
Keri- Michèle Lodge

14 An Introduction to Tic Disorders and Tourette’s Disorder 61
Fraser Scott

15 The Assessment and Diagnosis of Tic Disorders 66
Fraser Scott

16 The Management and Outcome of Tic Disorders 70
Fraser Scott

17 An Introduction to Developmental Coordination Disorder 75
Munib Haroon

18 The Assessment and Diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Disorder 78
Munib Haroon

19 Treatment and Interventions for Developmental Coordination Disorder 81
Munib Haroon

20 An Introduction to Specific Learning Disorder 84
Tracy Laverick and Julie Armstrong

21 The Assessment and Diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorder in Children and Young People 86
Tracy Laverick and Julie Armstrong

22 Specific Learning Disorder: Interventions and Management 90
Tracy Laverick and Julie Armstrong

23 Supporting Specific Learning Disorder into Adulthood 92
Tracy Laverick and Julie Armstrong

24 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 94
Elizabeth Birley

25 Mental Health Conditions in Children and Young People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders 101
Monica Shaha Mini Pillay and Munib Haroon

26 Assessing Mental Health Conditions in Children and Young People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders 104
Monica Shaha and Mini Pillay

27 Treating Mental Health Conditions in Children and Young People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders 108
Monica Shaha and Mini Pillay

28 Adult Mental Health in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Autism 113
Conor Davidson and Sharmi Ghosh

29 Adult Mental Health in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Intellectual Developmental Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Tourette’s Disorder and Other Conditions 117
Alwyn Kam

30 The Genetic Basis of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 123
F. Lucy Raymond

31 Neurodivergency on a Day- to- Day Basis 129
Munib Haroon

Index 135


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