Loneliness For Dummies
Andrea Wigfield
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의학 > 임상각과 > 정신건강과
368 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Combat the rising epidemic of loneliness with trustworthy information and advice

Loneliness for Dummies helps readers understand loneliness and how to take steps to overcome this unwanted feeling. At some point in life, loneliness affects everyone. It can be triggered by unusual situations and events like children leaving home, losing a loved one, working remotely, moving, divorce, or retirement. It can also occur seemingly without reason. Thanks to this book, you don’t have to be afraid of being lonely. Loneliness For Dummies explains that loneliness is a natural reaction that signals us to make a change. You’ll learn the signs to look out for to assess loneliness, why people feel lonely, and most importantly, step-by-step actions you can take to reduce your feelings of loneliness. Read case studies of people who have felt lonely to see how they overcame loneliness. This book includes a simple scale to help you measure how lonely you feel, so you can identify which changes to make and assess your progress.

  • Learn why people feel lonely, including the situations that trigger loneliness and what this uncomfortable feeling means
  • Discover the signs of loneliness so you can recognize it in others and step in to help
  • Complete a questionnaire to gauge your own loneliness and identify steps you can take to feel less lonely
  • Make changes to your lifestyle that will lead to greater satisfaction in the long run

This is the perfect Dummies guide for anyone who is currently feeling adrift without social connections and wants to make a change. Organizations looking for a reference for students or outreach professionals will also appreciate Loneliness For Dummies.

Introduction 1

Part 1: Understanding Loneliness 5

Chapter 1: Loneliness and Why You Feel It 7

Chapter 2: Who’s at Risk of Loneliness and How It’s Measured 23

Chapter 3: The Wide-ranging Costs of Chronic Loneliness 45

Part 2: Creating Havens of Social Connection and Belonging 59

Chapter 4: Making Connections at Home 61

Chapter 5: Belonging in Your Community 87

Chapter 6: Finding Your Place at Work 101

Chapter 7: Interacting Through Technology 117

Part 3: Dealing with Loneliness During Life Transitions 135

Chapter 8: Overcoming Bereavement 137

Chapter 9: The Loneliness of Health Conditions and Disabilities 149

Chapter 10: Understanding the Interplay between Mental Health and Loneliness 171

Chapter 11: Becoming a Caregiver 187

Chapter 12: Making an Education or Employment Change 201

Part 4: Beating Loneliness 219

Chapter 13: Overcoming Loneliness Through Therapy or Healing Practices 221

Chapter 14: Developing Meaningful Relationships 241

Chapter 15: Finding Meaningful Places 263

Chapter 16: Building Resilience to Loneliness 275

Part 5: The Part of Tens 289

Chapter 17: Ten Tips to Break Out of Loneliness 291

Chapter 18: Eleven Suggestions for Young People 297

Chapter 19: Ten Pointers for Men 305

Chapter 20: Ten Tactics for Later Life 311

Appendix: Further Resources 317

Index 327


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