Practical Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, 2/e 해외주문가능
Eugene McNally
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544 Pages
2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Practical Musculoskeletal Ultrasound is your ideal, accessible guide to all of today’s clinically useful musculoskeletal ultrasound techniques and their major applications in patient diagnosis and management. This thoroughly updated radiology reference encompasses all of the most recent advances in ultrasound technology, delivering the unmatched guidance you need to conduct an effective ultrasound examination, obtain optimal images, and expertly interpret your findings.

• Balance the advantages of musculoskeletal ultrasound
(superficial soft-tissue injury) with its limitations (deep or intra-articular structures).
Obtain an optimal field of view with anatomic/sonographic correlations throughout.
Apply quick, accurate, and cost-effective methods of assessment through a focus on those areas where MSK ultrasound has the most clinical impact.

Apply all of the latest knowledge in MSK ultrasound with expanded coverage of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, foot, and ankle, as well as interventional radiology techniques.
Make the most definite interpretations and diagnoses with help from hundreds of new line drawings and scans, as well as the addition of real-time videos online to complement each image.
Reference differential diagnosis tables to quickly deduce the most likely clinical problem being assessed.
Access the complete radiology text and all of the images and video clips online at Expert Consult.

Part 1: Shoulder

Chapter 1: Shoulder Joint: Anatomy and Technique

Chapter 2, Shoulder 1: Supraspinatus Tendon

Chapter 3, Shoulder 2: The SASD Bursa, Rotator Interval and other Rotator Cuff tendons

Chapter 4, Shoulder 3: Beyond the Rotator Cuff

Part 2: Elbow

Chapter 5, Arm and Elbow Joint: Anatomy and Techniques

Chapter 6, Disorders of the Elbow: Lateral

Chapter 7, Pathology of the Medial Elbow

Chapter 8, Disorders of the Elbow: Anterior

Chapter 9, Disorders of the Elbow: Posterior

Part 3: Wrist

Chapter 10, Forearm and Wrist Joint: Anatomy and Techniques

Chapter 11, Disorders of the Wrist: Radial

Chapter 12, Disorders of the Wrist: Ulnar side

Chapter 13, Disorders of the Wrist: Miscellaneous

Part 4: Hand

Chapter 14, Finger and hand: Anatomy and Techniques

Chapter 15, Disorders of the Fingers & Hand

Part 5: Hip

Chapter 16, Hip Joint and Thigh: Anatomy and Techniques

Chapter 17, Disorders of the Groin & Hip: Groin Pain

Chapter 18, Disorders of the Groin & Hip: Anterior and Lateral

Chapter 19, Disorders of the Groin & Hip: Posterior

Chapter 20, Disorders of the Groin & Hip: The Paediatric Hip

Part 6: Knee

Chapter 21, Knee Joint and Calf: Anatomy and Techniques

Chapter 22, Disorders of the Knee & Calf

Part 7: Ankle

Chapter 23, Ankle Joint & Forefoot: Anatomy and Techniques

Chapter 24, Disorders of the Ankle & Foot: Posterior

Chapter 25, Disorders of the Ankle & Foot Anterior

Chapter 26, Disorders of the Ankle & Foot Lateral

Chapter 27, Disorders of the Ankle & Foot Medial

Chapter 28, Disorders of the Ankle & Foot: Forefoot

Part 8: Intervention

Chapter 29, Musculoskeletal intervention: general principles

Chapter 30, Specific Intervention Techniques

Part 9: General

Chapter 31, Ultrasound of Soft-tissue masses

Chapter 32, Ultrasound imaging of joint disease

Part 10: Trauma

Chapter 33, Ultrasound of muscle injury


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