This practical, illustrated guide covers the use and technique of injecting joints for the relief of musculoskeletal pain and inflammation. Introductory chapters deal with the effects of corticosteroids and local anaesthetics and their uses; safety procedures which should be observed when using these products for injection and guidelines to safe injection techniques. The bulk of the book deals with the technique of injection joint by joint. The text is laid out so that each page of text describing the technique is matched by a facing page of illustrations illustrating the procedure. For each joint there is a 4 colour line drawing of the anatomy of the joint and a full colour photograph showing the surface anatomy position for injection. The actual technique of giving the injection and location the correct anatomical position for the insertion of the needle is demonstrated and explained on the CDRom.
Injection technique flowchart Section 2 Injection techniques: assessment of the upper limb
The Shoulder
Glenohumeral joint
Suprascapular nerve
Acromio-clavicular joint
Sterno-clavicular joint
Subacromial bursa
Supraspinatus tendon
Infraspinatus tendon
Subscapularis tendon and bursa
Long head of biceps tendon
The Elbow
Elbow joint
Olecranon bursa
Common extensor tendon
Common flexor tendon
Biceps tendon insertion
Wrist and Hand
Wrist joint
Inferior radio-ulnar joint
Thumb and finger joints
Thumb tendons
Flexor tendon nodule
Carpal tunnel
Summary of suggested upper limb doses Section 3 Injection techniques: assessment of the lower limb
The Hip
Hip joint
Gluteal bursa
Psoas bursa
Trochanteric bursa
Adductor tendons
Hamstring origin
Lateral cutaneous nerve
The Knee
Knee joint
Superior tibio-fibular joint
Coronary ligament
Medial collateral ligament
Infrapatella bursa
Pes anseurine bursa
Iliotibial band bursa
Quadriceps expansion
Infrapatella expansion
Baker’s cyst
The Ankle and Foot
Ankle joint
Subtalar joint
Deltoid ligament
Lateral ligament
Achilles tendon
Achilles bursa
Midtarsal joints
Toe joints
Peroneal tendons
Plantar fascia
Summary of suggested lower limb doses Section 4 Injection techniques: spine and jaw
Spinal injections
Cervical facet joint
Lumbar facet joint
Lumbar nerve root
Caudal epidural
Sacro-iliac joint
Sacro-coccygeal joint
Temporo-mandibular joint
Summary of spinal doses Appendix 1 Injection Survey – Peripheral joint & soft tissue injections given in General Practice 1991-2004 Appendix 2 Websites References CD to contain clips of all techniques:
An introduction by the author
Demonstrations of 21 upper limb injections (plus 7
clips using bones to show the correct anatomical location for the injection)
Demonstrations of 27 lower limb injections (plus 7 clips using bones to show correct anatomical location for the injection)
Demonstrations of 7 spinal/advanced techniques (with 5 clips using bones to show anatomical location for the injection)
Demonstrations of two real injections (ie not using a sheathed needle).
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