First of all, I should express my gratitude to my Lord, Jesus Christ, for the grace of giving me wisdom and eyes to work with children for almost 34 years. The never ending grace He gave me and the courage to share what I have learned and experienced, which drive me to hold a pen again.
Also, at this moment, I have to appreciate the children with cerebral palsy, my tutors, who have the most beautiful eyes than any other humans. All of them are real teachers and I have learned a lot and I am still learning from them.
Though I have been working for my specialty for more than 30 years, I ignored the most important interpretation of human movement which is the head and neck. This lead to ignorance in treating children; consequently, low efficiency and killed a lot of time.
Approximately 3 years ago in Sri Lanka, I had a treatment demonstration of a seven year old girl who has never been treated and showed an incredible extended body. I had struggled and had difficulties in changing her posture. This gave me a sudden idea of treatment which is to mobilize the neck in order to neutralize her eye, head and neck.
At the end of treatment, she showed us a released body with lowered eyes. Moreover, she started to raise her head, watch and use her hand in prone. She taught me the most important interpretation of human movement just within 40 minutes. That changing the axis of the head and neck including the eyes will help execute normal movement. This big girl really inspired me and switched on my brain to the right interpretation of human movement. It enables me to treat child with better ideas, change their pictures adequately and bring me uncountable happiness and confidence from my hand.
Hence, it led me to write a book one more time. Hopefully, this book will give same inspiration to my colleagues as same as what I had felt from treatment regarding to the new interpretation of human movement.
1. General picture of children
2. Principle of treatment
3. Case Presentation
구분 | 13시 이전 | 13시 이후 |
군자도서 | 당일출고 | 1일 추가 |
타사도서 | 1일 ~ 2일 추가 | 2일 ~ 3일 추가 |
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2 | 비밀글입니다. | 최현지 | 2024.05.17 | 답변완료 |
1 | 혹시 번역판 있나요?? | 김민석 | 2019.08.28 | 답변완료 |