Offering a strong focus on investigative methods and action strategies for diagnosis of musculoskeletal issues, Clinical Diagnosis in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: Case by Case is a must-have resource for quick reference during daily rounds, as well as a handy study and review tool for oral boards. This portable reference covers what approaches to take when a patient presents with specific musculoskeletal issues (including differential diagnoses possibilities), what tests are appropriate to order, how to determine the relevance of results, and what treatment options to consider. Practical and easy to use, it helps you apply foundational knowledge to everyday clinical situations.
Provides comprehensive, interdisciplinary guidance for clinical diagnosis and problem solving of musculoskeletal issues that are commonly encountered in an office or clinic setting.
Offers a case-by-case analysis organized by chief complaint, body part, or condition, allowing for optimal on-the-spot reference.
Helps physiatrists and residents think through every aspect of clinical diagnosis, clearly organizing essential information and focusing on a quick and accurate thought process required by limited time with each patient.
Covers neck pain, back pain, total body pain (fibromyalgia), lymphedema, tingling and numbness, gait difficulty, and much more.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
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