Handbook of Splinting and Casting, by Drs. Stephen R. Thompson and Dan A. Zlotolow, gives you practical, portable, step-by-step instructions on the most common techniques for initial orthopaedic injury management. Find all you need to know about the latest splinting and casting practices, analgesia procedures, reduction maneuvers, and more, quickly and easily. The highly templated format with hundreds of illustrations and photographs outlines the steps you must follow to perform each technique properly. Part of the popular Mobile Medicine Series, this pocket-sized reference is ideal for any point-of-care health professional.
Section I: Analgesia
1. Basic Principles of Analgesia
2. Hematoma Block
3. Elbow Block
4. Wrist Block
5. Digital Block
6. Ankle Block
7. Intra-Articular Ankle Block
Section II: Reduction Maneuvers
8. Basic Principles of Reduction Maneuvers
9. Shoulder and Elbow Reduction
10. Forearm, Wrist, and Hand Reduction
11. Pelvis and Lower Extremity Reduction
Section III: Splints and Casts
12. Basics of Splinting and Casting
13. Upper Extremity Splints and Casts
14. Lower Extremity Splints and Casts
Section IV: Traction Maneuvers
15. Femoral Skeletal Traction
16. Tibial Skeletal Traction
17. Calcaneal Skeletal Traction
18. Cervical Spine Traction with Gardner Wells Tongs
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