Clinical Guide to Sonography, 2/e 해외주문가능
Charlotte Henningsen, Diane Youngs
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2 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
해외주문이 필요한 도서입니다. (4~5주소요) 자세한 내용은 페이지하단 배송안내 참조바랍니다.

Organized by clinical problem rather than by body system, Clinical Guide to Sonography enables you to quickly find information related to the symptom being reported by the patient. This unique format covers various pathologies that may be related to a patient's symptoms, and features illustrations and sonograms that demonstrate each pathology. The book is divided into five major sections: abdomen, obstetrics, gynecology, superficial structures, and a miscellaneous section to include pediatric and vascular clinical indications. Each chapter within those sections focuses on a clinical indication, and incorporates background information, a clinical scenario, discussions of pathologies and differential diagnoses, illustrations, sonograms, patient scenarios with multiple choice and case-based questions to ensure you have a solid understanding of the material.


Symptom-based presentation makes it easy for beginning and experienced sonographers to quickly find information related to the patient's symptom.
Summary tables of differential diagnoses and sonographic findings provide you with a brief overview of all chapter material for quick reference.
Clinical scenarios at the beginning of each chapter help you learn to apply information to the clinical setting.
Case studies and discussion questions give you the opportunity to enhance your critical-thinking skills and measure your comprehension of material.
Over 900 ultrasound images correlated to the pathology illustrate what you'll encounter in the clinical setting.
Glossary helps you define important terminology.
New chapters provide you with more complete coverage of the pathology sonographers encounter in practice.
New case studies with critical-thinking questions set up realistic situations for you to use as a frame of reference

1.RUQ Pain
2.Liver Mass
3.Elevated Liver Function Tests/Diffuse Liver Disease
4.Epigastric Pain
6.Rule Out Renal Obstruction/Renal Failure
7.Cystic vs Solid Mass
8.Left Upper Quadrant Mass/Rule Out Splenomegaly
9.Pediatric Mass
10.Question Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
11.NEW! Acute RLQ Pain/Rule Out Appendicitis
12.Neonatal Vomiting/Rule Out Pyloric Stenosis
13.Retroperitoneal Mass
14.Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
15.Localize Intrauterine Device
18.Ovarian Mass
19.Uncertain Last Menstrual Period/Pregnancy Dating
20.Size Greater Than Dates
21.Size Less Than Dates
22.Bleeding with Pregnancy
23.Multiple Gestation
24.Elevated AFP
25.Genetic Testing
26.Fetal Anomaly
27.Abnormal Fetal Echo
28.Breast Mass
29.Scrotal Mass/Scrotal Pain
30.Neck Mass
31.Elevated PSA
32.Hip Dysplasia
33.Premature Birth: Rule Out Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage
34.NEW! Neonatal Spinal Dimple: Rule Out Tethered Cord
35.Carotid Artery Disease
36.Leg Pain/Rule Out DVT
37.New! Claudication/Peripheral Arterial Disease


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