The 『Dongui Suse Bowon』 is a book about Sasang Constitutional Medicine (SCM). It consists of two parts: basic theory and clinical studies. Lee Je-ma opens his basic theory by defining the environments that surround man and the body itself using a quarternary paradigm. This paradigm is an extension of the Confucian tradition in employing the number four.
The terminology, which Lee Je-ma employs, is quite hard to understand as his philosophical ideas are of his own development based on neo-Confucianism (新儒學). Even widely experienced Oriental medical doctors and it hard to comprehend, which has resulted in many doctors exhibiting interest only in the clinical aspects. However, understanding his philosophical attitude is required prior to studying his Sasang Constitutional Medicine.
Additionally, a thorough understanding of the 『Shanghanlun 』 (傷寒論: “Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases”) written by Zhang Zhongjing (張仲景) is a prerequisite to understanding Lee Je-ma’s clinical studies. As a translator, I have tried to translate the terminology literally and avoided including my own interpretations, so as to allow the readers to understand Lee Je-ma’s original words.
This book also seeks to contribute to the advancement of medicine by providing readers with better readability of 『Dongui Suse Bowon』.
“When the Taoism meets the Confucianism in Medicine”
Translator’s Note
Life Story of Lee Je-ma
1. Discourse on Nature and Order
2. Discourse on the Four Principles
3. Discourse on the Establishment and Supplement
4. Discourse on Viscera and Bowels
5. Discourse on the Origin of Eastern Medicine
1. Discourse on the Soeum (Lesser Yin) Person’s Exterior Febrile Disease Induced from the Kidney Aected by Heat
2. Discourse on the Lesser Yin Person’s Interior Cold Disease Induced from the Stomach Aected by Cold
3. General Remarks on the Lesser Yin Person
3-1. Twenty ree Prex_scriptions for the Lesser Yin Person’s Disease from Zhang Zhongjing’s 『Shanghanlun』
3-2. irteen Prex_scriptions and Six Other Prex_scriptions Containing Crotonis Fructus for the Lesser Yin Person’s Disease Mentioned in the Writings of Famous Doctors in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties
3-3. Twenty Four Newly Created Prex_scriptions for the Lesser Yin Person’s Disease
1. Discourse on the Soyang (Lesser Yang) Person’s Exterior Cold Disease Induced from the Spleen Aected by Cold
2. Discourse on the Lesser Yang Person’s Interior Febrile Disease Induced from the Stomach Aected by Heat
3. General Remarks on the Lesser Yang Person
3-1. Ten Prex_scriptions for the Lesser Yang Person’s Disease from Zhang Zhongjing’s 『Shanghanlun』
3-2. Nine Prex_scriptions for the Lesser Yang Person’s Disease Mentioned in the Writings of Famous Doctors in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties
3-3. Seventeen Newly Created Prex_scriptions for the Lesser Yang Person’s Disease
1. Discourse on the Taieum (Greater Yin) Person’s Exterior Cold Disease Induced from the Epigastrium Aected by Cold
2. Discourse on the Greater Yin Person’s Interior Febrile Disease Induced from the Liver Aected by Heat
2-1. Four Prex_scriptions for the Greater Yin Person’s Disease from Zhang Zhongjing’s 『Shanghanlun』
2-2. Nine Prex_scriptions for the Greater Yin Person’s Disease Mentioned in the Writings of Famous Doctors in the Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties
2-3. Twenty Four Important Newly Formulated Prex_scriptions for the Greater Yin Person’s Disease
1. Discourse on the Taiyang (Greater Yang) Person’s Lumbar Vertebral Disease Induced by Exopathogen
2. Discourse on the Greater Yang Person’s Small Intestine Disease Induced by Endopathogen
2-1. Ten Recommended Herbs for the Greater Yang Person’s Disease (Mentioned in the “Materia Medica”) Based on My Experiences, and Two Herbs Based on the Experiences of Li Chan and Gong Xin
2-2. Two Newly Formulated Prex_scriptions Applicable to the Greater Yang Person’s Disease
1. Discourse on General Health Maintenance
2. Discourse on Identifying the Four Constitutions
3. Epilogue
Selected Bibliography
Formulas by Constitutions
Drugs by Constitutions
Translator: Professor Choi Seung-hoon
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