A highly praised, well written, and richly illustrated modern classic in neuro-ophthalmology now in an exciting new edition with video clips!
Neuro-ophthalmology is an "overlap" specialty, encompassing all disorders that affect the parts of the central nervous system related to vision. Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated, Third Edition by world-renowned neuro-ophthalmologists and professors Valérie Biousse and Nancy J. Newman expands on the widely acclaimed prior editions, lauded with awards by the Association of American Publishers and the British Medical Association. The updated text reflects diagnostic advances such as optical coherence tomography and features new high-quality images and videos.
The text starts with neuro-ophthalmic and funduscopic examinations, visual fields, commonly used ancillary testing methods, and an overview of visual loss. Subsequent chapters detail a wide array of conditions including retinal vascular diseases, optic neuropathies, disc edema, disorders of higher cortical function, abnormal visual perceptions, diplopia, orbital syndromes, cavernous sinus and orbital vascular disorders, nystagmus/other ocular oscillations, and disorders of the eyelid. Final chapters are dedicated to nonorganic neuro-ophthalmic symptoms and signs, diagnosis of headache and facial pain, neurologic and systemic disorders that commonly have neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations, and an approach to management of the visually impaired patient.
Key Highlights
This book is essential reading for students, ophthalmology, neurology, and neurosurgery residents, as well as seasoned clinicians in these specialties. At once authoritative and easy to read, this resource provides readers with all the tools they need to diagnose and manage neuro-ophthalmologic disorders.
This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.
1 The Neuro-Ophthalmic Examination
2 Funduscopic Examination
3 Visual Fields
4 Ancillary Testing Commonly Used in Neuro-Ophthalmology
5 Visual Loss: An Overview
6 Transient Visual Loss
7 Retinal Vascular Diseases
8 Optic Neuropathies
9 Disc Edema
10 Disorders of Higher Cortical Function
11 Abnormal Visual Perceptions: Hallucinations and Illusions
12 The Pupil
13 Diplopia
14 Orbital Syndrome
15 Cavernous Sinus and Orbital Vascular Disorders
16 Nystagmus and Other Ocular Oscillations
17 Disorders of the Eyelid
18 Nonorganic Neuro-Ophthalmic Symptoms and Signs
19 Diagnosis of Headache and Facial Pain
20 Disorders Commonly Encountered in Neuro-Ophthalmology
21 The Visually Impaired Patient
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