Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy (Essentials), 2/e
Thomas H. Champney
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352 Pages
2 Edition
3,000원 (3만원 이상 구매 시, 무료배송)
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The Essentials is an international, best-selling series of textbooks, all of which are designed to support lecture series or themes on core topics within the health sciences. See for further details.

Accessible, visually stimulating guide to clinical neuroanatomy, striking the perfect balance between regional and functional content

Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition discusses the anatomy of the nervous system from the clinical perspective in easy-to-understand language, providing dex_scriptions of the sensory, motor, and integration systems within the nervous system. Illustrations are included throughout in the clinical view using the gold standard computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging modalities.

To enable seamless reader comprehension, the text includes case studies, study questions, boxes of interest to highlight the clinically relevant neuroanatomy, learning objectives, an outline of each chapter’s material to be covered, multiple choice questions, and further reading resources.

Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition contains information on:

  • Topics important to clinical medicine, but often neglected in other neuroanatomy texts, such as trauma, infection, and congenital considerations
  • Includes recent reviews and references with a focus on the cortical chapter and the imaging chapter where there is significant ongoing research
  • Revised figures and illustrations to reflect more cultural diversity
  • Two new chapters on the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems
  • Use of imaging studies used in clinical neuroanatomy, including how to evaluate these images
  • Neuroanatomy of the central nervous system, covering an overview of the nervous system, blood vessels, meninges, and ventricles, neurodevelopment, the spinal cord, brain stem, cerebellum and cortex
  • Sensory, motor, and integration systems, covering the visual system, auditory and vestibular system, olfaction and taste, central motor control, the limbic system and cortical integration

Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy, 2nd Edition is the perfect resource for medical and health science students taking a course on neuroanatomy and as an on-going companion during those first steps in clinical practice. The text is also useful for those reviewing neuroanatomy for major licensing or competency examinations (National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) United States Medical Licensure Exams (USMLE).

Preface vi

Acknowledgments vii

About the Companion Website viii

Part 1: Neuroanatomy of the Central Nervous System 1

1 Overview of the nervous system 3

2 Blood vessels, meninges, and ventricles 20

3 Neurodevelopment 40

4 Peripheral nervous system 50

5 Autonomic nervous system 63

6 Spinal cord 77

7 Medulla oblongata 89

8 Pons 105

9 Midbrain 124

10 Diencephalon 136

11 Telencephalon 148

12 Cerebellum 160

13 Spinal tracts 174

Part 2: The Sensory, Motor, and Integration Systems 201

14 Visual system 203

15 Auditory and vestibular system 220

16 Olfaction and taste 237

17 Central motor control 247

18 Limbic system 263

19 Cortical integration 274

20 Imaging essentials 288

Answers to study questions 297

Answers to figures 305

Glossary 308

Index 332


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