The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Three Volume Set, Third Edition 신간 해외주문가능
Foad Nahai
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1782 Pages
3 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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The ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery from world famous aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai

The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Principles and Techniques, Third Edition by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, five distinguished co-editors, and more than 100 new contributors is an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the quintessential resource on cosmetic surgery since its inception, the new edition features an e-book and access to online videos for the first time. The updated text and videos reflect significant and numerous exciting developments in aesthetic medicine and surgery.

An impressive group of renowned global experts contribute valuable insights, pearls, and considerable expertise. Twenty new chapters feature a wealth of diverse state-of-the-art topics, while other chapters have been updated and greatly expanded. New areas of focus include practice management, volume enhancement in periorbital and facial rejuvenation, minimally invasive neck techniques, and body contouring procedures such as umbilicoplasty. Patient safety is prominent, with a major chapter on safety considerations in aesthetic surgery, as well as discussion of complications in different anatomic regions.

Key Highlights

  • A state-of-the-art review of facial aesthetic surgery, with detailed coverage of all the key techniques needed to achieve facial rejuvenation
  • The latest primary and revision breast surgery techniques for augmentation, reduction, mastopexy, fat grafting, and asymmetry management
  • Significant new chapters on minimally invasive treatments reflect enormous changes in this field since the last edition
  • The addition of two new dedicated sections on genital rejuvenation and gender affirming surgery
  • About 6,000 beautiful illustrations enhance understanding of state-of-the-art approaches
  • An expanded video library featuring 14 new clips and the addition of pre- and post-op patient images provides expert procedural guidance


This quintessential resource provides trainees and experienced practitioners with a solid foundation for learning basic principles and techniques in aesthetic surgery, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes, developing innovations, and advancing the specialty.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on 

Part I Fundamentals
1 The Patient
2 Psychological Considerations in Aesthetic Surgery
3 Photographic Essentials in Aesthetic Surgery
4 Patient Safety in Aesthetic Surgery
5 Sedation and Anesthesia for Aesthetic Surgery
Part II Business Basics
6 Why Offer Aesthetic Medicine in an Aesthetic Surgical Practice?
7 Optimal Correction and Patient Retention: A Personal Philosophical and Practical Approach to Your Nonsurgical Practice
8 The Spa and the Law
9 Social Media
10 Hiring and Training a Superstar Patient-Care Coordinator
11 Evidence-Based Pricing Strategies That Work
Part III Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatments
12 Clinical Decision Making for Nonsurgical Cosmetic Treatments
13 Over-the-Counter Skin Care and Nutraceutical Basics for the Aesthetic Surgeon
14 A Scientific Approach to Cosmeceuticals
15 Botulinum Toxin Injection for Facial Rejuvenation
16 Soft-Tissue Fillers
17 Non-Light-Based Skin Resurfacing
18 Chemical Peels
19 Lasers and Light-Based Devices in Plastic Surgery
20 Sclerotherapy and Laser Vein Treatment
21 Nonsurgical Treatment of the Face and Neck
Part IV Hair Transplantation
22 Applied Anatomy in Hair Transplantation
23 Clinical Decision Making in Hair Transplantation
24 Hair Transplantation: Follicular Unit Micrografting and Minigrafting—Current Techniques and Future Directions
25 Reoperation, Refinement, and Treatment of Complications after Hair Transplantation
Part V Brow Lift
26 Clinical Decision Making in Brow Lift: Brow Rejuvenation
27 Temporal Brow Lift
28 Endoscopic Brow Lift
29 Endoscopic Brow Lift: My Personal Approach
30 Other Approaches to Brow Lift
Part VI Eyelid Surgery
31 Eyelid and Periorbital Anatomy
32 Clinical Decision Making in Aesthetic Eyelid Surgery
33 Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
34 Upper Blepharoplasty in the Asian Patient
35 Ptosis Surgery in the Blepharoplasty Patient
36 Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
37 Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
38 The Lower Eyelid Pinch Blepharoplasty
39 Avoidance and Treatment of Complications of Aesthetic Eyelid Surgery

Part VII Midface Rejuvenation
40 Clinical Decision Making in the Midface
41 Midface Recontouring
42 Endoscopic Rejuvenation of the Midface
Part VIII Surgical Rejuvenation of the Face and Neck
43 Clinical Anatomy of the Face and Neck: Visualizing the Face
44 Clinical Decision Making in Facelift and Neck Lift
45 Structural Fat Grafting: Basics and Clinical Applications in the Hand and Face
46 The MACS Lift Short-Scar Rhytidectomy with Fat Grafting
47 Short-Scar Rhytidectomy
48 Extended SMAS Technique in Facial Rejuvenation
49 Lamellar High-SMAS Facelift: Single-Flap Lifting of the Midface, Cheek, and Jawline
50 Simultaneous Facelift and Facial Fat Grafting
51 Facial Implant Augmentation
52 Neck Lift
53 Secondary Neck Lift
54 Reoperative Rhytidectomy
55 Avoidance and Management of Complications in Facial Aesthetic Surgery
Part IX Rejuvenation of the Cheeks, Chin, Lips, and Ears
56 Rejuvenation of the Aging Mouth
57 Refinements in Otoplasty Techniques
58 Rejuvenation of the Chin
Part X Rhinoplasty
59 Applied Anatomy of the Nose
60 Clinical Decision Making in Rhinoplasty
61 Primary Rhinoplasty
62 Tip Grafting for Nasal Contouring
63 Asian Rhinoplasty
64 Ethnic Rhinoplasty
65 Revision Rhinoplasty

Part XI Breast Surgery
66 Applied Anatomy of the Breast
67 The Process of Breast Augmentation: Optimizing Clinical Decisions and Outcomes in Breast Augmentation
68 Choosing the Right Breast Implant
69 Breast Augmentation
70 Fat Grafting of the Breast
71 Composite Primary and Revision Breast Augmentation
72 Capsular Contracture: Current Science, Prevention, and Management
73 Primary and Revision Augmentation Mastopexy: Techniques and Considerations
74 Clinical Decision Making in Breast Reduction and Mastopexy
75 Medial Pedicle Vertical Breast Reduction
76 Breast Reduction: The Lateral Pedicle Technique
77 Short-Scar Mammaplasty with a Pectoralis Loop
78 Alternative Approaches to Breast Reduction
79 Control and Precision in Mastopexy
80 Mastopexy and Breast Reduction in Massive-Weight-Loss Patients
81 Management of Breast Asymmetry
82 Treatment of Gynecomastia
Part XII Body Contouring
83 Applied Anatomy in Body Contouring
84 Clinical Decision Making in Body Contouring
85 Noninvasive and Minimally Invasive Techniques for Body Contouring
86 Liposuction and High Definition Liposculpture: Basic Techniques and Safety Considerations


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