Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 4/e
Kirk N. Gelatt
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912 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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  • This book provides readers with a user-friendly manual to the basics of veterinary ophthalmology. It puts a focus on the most relevant information for clinical practice. Emphasizing canine ophthalmology, the book also covers the foundations of feline, equine, farm animal, and exotic animal ophthalmology. To aid in reader comprehension and information assimilation, a companion website presents review questions and the figures from the book in PowerPoint. Sample topics covered within the work include:

    • Ophthalmic foundations: ophthalmic development and structure, physiology of the eye and vision, and ocular pharmacology and therapeutics
    • Canine ophthalmology: canine orbit (disease and surgery), canine eyelids (disease and surgery), canine lacrimal apparatus (tear secretion and drainage), canine cornea (diseases and surgery) and canine glaucoma
    • Other species: feline ophthalmology, equine ophthalmology, and food and fiber animal ophthalmology
    • Ophthalmic and systemic diseases: comparative neuro-ophthalmology and systemic disease and the eye

    Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology is a useful guide for veterinary students and practitioners looking to build out their core foundations of knowledge within their specific programs of study and disciplines.

Preface vii

Acknowledgments ix

About the Companion Website xi

Section 1 Basics for Clinical Veterinary Ophthalmology 1

1 Development and Morphology of the Eye and Adnexa 3

Section I: Development of the Eye and Adnexa 3

Section II: Morphology of the Eye and Adnexa 13

2 Ophthalmic Physiology and Vision 59

Section I: Physiology of the Eye 59

3 Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 114

Section I: Ocular Drug Delivery 114

Section 2 Ocular Exam and Imaging 161

4 Eye Examination and Diagnostics 163

Section 3 Canine Ophthalmology 217

5 Canine Orbit: Disease and Surgery 219

6 Canine Eyelids: Disease and Surgery 239

7 Canine Nasolacrimal and Lacrimal Systems: Disease and Surgery 270

Section I: Nasolacrimal Duct System 270

8 Canine Conjunctivae and Nictitating Membrane: Disease and Surgery 290

9 Canine Cornea and Sclera: Diseases and Surgery 310

10 The Canine Glaucomas 355

11 Canine Anterior Uvea: Diseases and Surgery 394

12 Canine Cataracts, Lens Luxations, and Surgery 426

Section I: Cataracts -- Clinical Findings 426

Section II: Cataract Surgery 455

13 Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Posterior Segment 469

Section I: Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Vitreous 469

Section II: Diseases of the Canine Ocular Fundus 478

Section III: Surgery of the Canine Posterior Segment 515

Section IV: Optic Nerve 525

Section 4 Special Species 539

14 Feline Ophthalmology 541

15 Equine Ophthalmology 604

16 Food and Fiber Animal Ophthalmology 665

17 Exotic Animals: Ophthalmic Diseases and Surgery 716

Section 5 Ophthalmic and Systemic Diseases 761

18 Neuro-ophthalmology 763

19 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease 784

Section I: Dogs 784

Section II: Cats 812

Section III: Horses 831

Section IV: Food Animals 840

Glossary 845

Appendix A Inherited Ophthalmic Diseases in the Dog 851

Appendix B Inherited Eye Diseases in the Cat 853

Appendix C Inherited Eye Diseases in the Horse 854

Appendix D Inherited Eye Diseases in Production Animals 855

Appendix E Lysosomal Storage Diseases in the Dog, Cat, and Food Animals 856

Index 858


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