Veterinary Surgical Oncology, 2/e
Simon T. Kudnig
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880 Pages
2 Edition
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    The new edition of the most comprehensive resource on surgical oncology, covering both basic and advanced surgical oncology procedures in small animals

    Veterinary Surgical Oncology is a detailed, highly illustrated reference to surgical treatment of cancer in small animal patients. Designed to provide in-depth coverage of surgical procedures, the book also includes useful information on diagnostic testing, complications, aftercare, outcomes, prognosis, and adjuvant or alternative therapies to assist veterinary surgeons and veterinary oncologists with decision making. Contributions by leaders in the field discuss the principles of surgical oncology, multimodal therapy, and interventional radiology, and describe surgical techniques in all anatomical structures.

    Now in its second edition, Veterinary Surgical Oncology is fully revised and incorporates new material, including a brand-new chapter discussing the anatomic, functional, and ethical limits of surgical oncology procedures. This edition contains expanded coverage of interventional oncology with discussion of these techniques in relevant chapters, additional surgical procedures, as well as more information regarding other modalities, including extravasation of chemotherapy and the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy on wound healing. Additional surgical procedures are supported by new figures, improved images, and up-to-date information. This authoritative surgical oncologic textbook:

    • Emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to cancer treatment that integrates diagnostic imaging, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, alternative therapies, and cancer biology
    • Provides new and expanded sections by specialist medical oncologists, surgeons, and a specialist neurologist that cover all the latest advances in the field
    • Includes more than 800 high-quality images and illustrations
    • Features a new companion website with videos

    Veterinary Surgical Oncology, Second Edition remains essential reading for all practicing veterinarians, as well as specialists and trainees in veterinary surgery, oncology, and internal medicine.

List of Contributors xxix

Preface xxxii

Foreword xxxiii

About the Companion Website xxxiv

1 Principles of Surgical Oncology 1
William T.N. Culp and Nicole Ehrhart

Preoperative Considerations 1

Surgical Planning 2

Postoperative Considerations 12

References 14

2 Multi-modal Therapy 17
Tania A. Banks, Christine Mullin, and Craig A. Clifford

Introduction 17

Surgery 17

Radiation Therapy 17

Surgery and Radiation 17

Chemotherapy 19

Electrochemotherapy 21

Molecular and Targeted Therapies 21

Complications of Chemotherapy 21

Complications of Radiation Therapy 38

References 41

3 Interventional Oncology 69
William T.N. Culp

Imaging 69

Instrumentation and Implants 70

Approaches 76

Nonvascular Interventional Oncology Techniques 77

Vascular Interventional Oncology Techniques 81

References 83

4 Skin and Subcutaneous Tumors 92
Erik G.H. Wouters, Sebastiaan (Bas) A. van Nimwegen, Stewart Ryan, and Jolle Kirpensteijn

Skin Tumors General Principles 92

General Approach to the Diagnosis and Staging of Skin Tumors 93

Treatment Options for Skin Tumors 95

Mast Cell Tumors 98

Mesenchymal Tumors and Melanoma 108

References 128

5 Head and Neck Tumors 143
Sara A. Ayres and Julius M. Liptak

Lymph Node Staging 143

Nasal Planum Tumors 143

Tumors of the Pinna 148

Tumors of the External Ear Canal 151

Tumors of the Middle Ear 157

Salivary Gland Tumors 162

Tumors of the Lip 167

References 176

6 Oral Tumors 182
Julius M. Liptak and B. Duncan X. Lascelles

Introduction 182

Diagnosis and Clinical Staging 182

General Surgical Considerations 185

Surgical Approach to Tumors of the Mandible 190

Surgical Approach to Tumors of the Maxilla 207

Mandibular and Maxillary Tumors in Dogs 230

Surgical Approach to Tumors of the Hard Palate 236

Surgical Approach to Tumors of the Tongue 238

Multimodal Management of Oral Tumors 244

Prognosis 246

References 255

7 Alimentary Tract 265
William T.N. Culp, Ryan P. Cavanaugh, Earl F. Calfee III, Paolo Buracco, and Tania A. Banks

Esophagus 265

Stomach 272

Liver and Gallbladder 282

Pancreas 297

Small Intestine 306

Colorectal Tumors 315

References 373

8 Respiratory Tract and Thorax 393
Marina Martano, Sarah Boston, and Emanuela Morello

Rhinotomy 393

Laryngeal Tumors 406

Thoracotomy 412

Tracheal Lung 427

Metastasectomy for Sarcomas 444

Thoracic Wall Resection 446

References 456

9 Cardiovascular System 469
Simon T. Kudnig and Eric Monnet

Heart and Heart-Base Tumors 469

Pericardial Tumors 475

Carotid Body Tumors 476

Vascular Oncologic Surgery – Tumor Thrombus Excision 478

References 480

10 Reproductive System 484
Maurine J. Thomson and Tara A. Britt

Female Reproductive System 484

Histologic Tumor Types 484

Prognosis 485

Adjuvant Therapy 485

Uterine Tumors 485

Vaginal and Vulvar Tumors 486

Histologic Tumor Types 489

Prognosis 489

Adjuvant Therapy 490

Tumors of the Clitoris 490

Canine Mammary Tumors 490

Feline Mammary Tumors 493

Surgery 493

Male Reproductive System 495

Testicular Tumors 496

Prognosis 498

Prostatic Tumors 498

Surgical Techniques and Outcomes 498

Radiation Therapy 505

Histologic Tumor Types and Prognosis 505

Penile Tumors 505

Surgery 507

References 510

11 Urinary Tract 515
Nicholas J. Bacon and James P. Farese

Biopsy Procedures for Urinary Tumors 515

Laparoscopy 516

FNA and Needle Core Biopsy 516

Incisional Biopsy 516

Imaging Techniques 517

Kidney 520

Bladder 524

Palliative Procedures 533

References 536

12 Eyelids, Eye, and Orbit 541
Cassandra Y. Prpich, B. Duncan X. Lascelles, and Michael Davidson

Introduction 541

Clinical Workup and Biopsy Principles 541

Imaging Techniques 542

Eyelid Neoplasia 542

V-plasty and Four-sided Excision 543

Advancement Flap 543

Rotational Flap 545

Semicircular Flap 545

Mucocutaneous Subdermal Plexus Flaps (Lip-to-lid) 546

Bucket Handle or Bridge Flap 546

Conjunctival, Nictitans, and Scleral Neoplasia 551

Eye Neoplasia 554

References 567

13 Endocrine System 569
Bernard Séguin and Lisa Brownlee

Pituitary Tumors 569

Adrenal Tumors 577

Thyroid Tumors: Feline Hyperthyroidism 589

Thyroid Glands: Canine Thyroid Tumors 595

Parathyroid Tumors 603

Cats 608

Endocrine Pancreatic Tumors 609

References 614

14 Hemolymphatic System 624
Deanna R. Worley

Lymph Nodes 624

Spleen 639

Thymus 647

Tonsils 657

References 659

15 Nervous System 668
Rebecca A. Packer

Introduction 668

Clinical Workup 668

Preoperative Imaging Techniques 669

Intracranial and Calvarial Tumors 670

Modifications to Surgical Approaches for Skull Masses 683

Intraoperative Navigation and Imaging Techniques 684

Species Differences 684

Post-Operative Management 685

Vertebral and Spinal Cord Tumors 690

Nerve Sheath Tumors 704

References 712

16 Musculoskeletal Tumors 720
Julius M. Liptak, William S. Dernell, Jim P. Farese, and Jonathan P. Bray

Osteosarcoma 720

Other Musculoskeletal Tumors 724

Metastatic Tumors of Bone 726

Primary Bone Tumors of Cats 728

Diagnostic Workup 729

Surgical Principles 735

Limb Amputation 736

Hemipelvectomy 743

Adjunctive Therapies 787

References 792

17 Ethics and Surgical Limits of Surgical Oncology 807
Julius M. Liptak

Introduction 807

Surgical Limits 807

References 813

Index 817


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