EssentialExotic Animal Hematology and Cytology, 5/e
Terry W. Campbell
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  • The newly revised Fifth Edition of Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology delivers a fully updated new edition of the most complete reference to hematology and cytology in exotic animals. The book features high-quality images and step-by-step dex_scriptions of practical techniques.    

    Organized by animal class to make it easier to quickly find critical information, the authors have included 45 new case studies to highlight the application of the content in a real-world setting. All major exotic animal groups are covered, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.    

    Clinicians seeking a decision-making aid for patient workup, treatment, and prognosis will find what they need in Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology. The book also includes:    

    • Thorough cellular dex_scriptions unique to mammalian, avian, herptile, and fish species, with extensive discussions of blood and bone marrow sample collection and hematologic techniques for each group 
    • Comprehensive evaluation of the peripheral blood specific to mammals, birds, herptiles, and fish, as well as the evaluation of bone marrow  
    • Practical discussions of hematology case studies with applications to common real-world clinical problems  
    • Color atlas of hemic cells of select species for quick and easy reference 
    • Extensive examinations of cytodiagnosis and exploration of unique features within mammals, birds, herptiles, and fish, as well as cytology case studies and wet-mount cases in fish 
    • Access to video clips and additional case reports on a companion website 

    Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology is an essential reference for veterinary clinical pathologists, anatomic pathologists, clinicians, and technicians, as well as for veterinary students taking courses involving exotic hematology and cytology. 



Scientific Names Used in Text


1. Blood and Bone Marrow Sample Collection and Preparation in Small Mammals

2. Hematologic Techniques for Quantitative Assessment in Mammals

3. Evaluation and Interpretation of the Peripheral Blood of Mammals

4. Evaluation of Mammalian Bone Marrow

5. Mammalian Hematology Clinical Case Presentations

6. Sample Collection for Mammalian Cytodiagnosis

7. Mammalian Cytodiagnosis

8. Mammalian Cytology Clinical Case Presentations


9. Blood and Bone Marrow Sample Collection and Preparation in Birds

10. Hematologic Techniques for Quantitative Assessment in Birds

11. Evaluation and Interpretation of Peripheral Blood of Birds

12. Evaluation of Avian Bone Marrow

13. Avian Hematology Clinical Case Presentation

14. Sample Collection for Avian Cytodiagnosis

15. Avian Cytodiagnosis

16. Avian Cytology Clinical Case Presentation


17. Blood and Bone Marrow Sample Collection and Preparation in Reptiles and Amphibians

18. Hematologic Techniques for Quantitative Assessment in Reptiles and Amphibians

19. Evaluation and Interpretation of the Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow of Reptiles

20. Evaluation and Interpretation of the Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow of Amphibians

21. Herptile Hematology Clinical Case Presentations

22. Sample Collection for Herptile Cytodiagnosis

23. Herptile Cytodiagnosis

24. Herptile Cytology Clinical Case Presentation


25. Blood Sample Collection and Preparation in Fish

26. Hematologic Techniques for Quantitative Assessment in Fish

27. Evaluation and Interpretation of the Peripheral Blood of Fish

28. Piscine Hematopoiesis

29. Fish Hematology Clinical Case Presentations

30. Sample Collection for Wet Mounts and Cytodiagnosis in Fish

31. Wet Mount Microscopy in Fish

32. Wet Mount Microscopy in Fish Clinical Case Presentations

33. Piscine Cytodiagnosis

34. Piscine Cytology and Clinical Chemistry: Clinical Case PresentationsCase 1: Shark with Cutaneous Nodules


A. Stains and Solutions Use in Hematology and Cytology

B. Hematologic Values

C. Hemic Cell Plates

D. Common Artifacts Found in Blood Films and Cytologic Samples



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