ACSM`s Introduction to Exercise Science
Jeffrey Potteiger
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568 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.  

Presenting an engaging, up-to-date overview of exercise science and its related fields, ACSM’s Introduction to Exercise Science, 4th Edition, guides students to success throughout their courses and delivers a robust exploration of potential careers for today’s exercise science professionals.
This full-color resource combines a succinct, accessible approach with the proven expertise of the American College of Sports Medicine — the leading authority in exercise science and sports medicine — to establish a practical understanding of how human movement assists individuals in their pursuit of good health, appropriate levels of physical activity and exercise, and successful sport and athletic performance. Each chapter illustrates the importance and practical relevance of key topics and provides an insider’s view of the profession through fascinating interviews and online video profiles and field trips. Updated to meet the needs of today’s emerging professionals, this 4th Edition incorporates new resources that emphasize application and help students make a confident transition to practice.

  • NEW! Project-Based Learning Questions challenge students to integrate and apply their knowledge to commonly encountered scenarios.
  • Video, audio, and in-text interviews with exercise science professionals highlight the challenges and rewards of increasingly popular exercise science careers. 
  • Thinking Critically Questions drive discussion and deepen understanding of concepts.
  • Review Questions provide valuable self-assessment opportunities.
  • Learning Objectives keep students focused on essential chapter takeaways.
  • Key Terms boxes clarify essential terminology at a glance.   

Lippincott® Connect features: 

  • Full access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience. 
  • Carefully curated resources, such as interactive diagrams, audio and video tutorials, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension. 

Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can: 

  • Pool content from books across your entire library into self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics. 
  • Display related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material. 
  • Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later. 
  • Navigate seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page. 

Preface vi
Acknowledgments viii
Reviewers ix
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Exercise Science 1

What Is Exercise Science 6

History of Exercise Science 9

Exercise Science and the American College of Sports Medicine 16
Academic Preparation in Exercise Science 22
CHAPTER 2 Introduction to Research 39

Research in Exercise Science 40
The Research Process 49

Evidence-Based Practice 60
Student Research in Exercise Science 62
CHAPTER 3 Exercise Science: A Systems Approach 69

Nervous System 72

Muscular System 75

Skeletal System 79

Cardiovascular System 82

Pulmonary System 84

Urinary System 87

Digestive System 90

Endocrine System 93

Immune System 97
Energy Systems 100
CHAPTER 4 Exercise Physiology 115

History of Exercise Physiology 117

The Basis of Study in Exercise Physiology 121

Areas of Study in Exercise Physiology 126
Other Areas of Study 149CHAPTER 5 Clinical Exercise Physiology 159

History of Clinical Exercise Physiology 160
Clinical Exercise Physiologists’ Duties and Responsibilities 164

Specific Disease Conditions 179
Areas of Study in Clinical Exercise Physiology 193
CHAPTER 6 Athletic Training and Sports Medicine 205

History of Athletic Training and Sports Medicine 209
Primary Responsibility Areas of Athletic Training Professionals 214
Sports Medicine 226
Areas of Study in Athletic Training and Sports Medicine 232
CHAPTER 7 Exercise and Sport Nutrition 247

History of Nutrition 250
Basic Nutrients 257
Measuring Nutritional Intake 262
Nutrition for Health 265

Areas of Study in Nutrition for Health 268
Nutrition for Sport 270
Areas of Study in Sport Nutrition 277
CHAPTER 8 Exercise and Sport Psychology 293
History of Exercise and Sport Psychology 296
Study of the Mind and Body 300
Exercise Psychology 312
Exercise Behavior 317
Areas of Study in Exercise and Sport Psychology 321
CHAPTER 9 Motor Behavior 335
History of Motor Behavior 337
Motor Development 341
Motor Learning 348

Motor Control 359
Areas of Study in Motor Behavior 365
CHAPTER 10 Clinical and Sport Biomechanics 377

History of Biomechanics 379
Study of Biomechanics 383

Basic Concepts Related to Movement 390
Complex Movement Concepts 394CHAPTER 11 Assessment and Equipment in Exercise Science 413
Pretesting Guidelines and Procedures 414

Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function Assessment 417
Musculoskeletal Assessment 428
Energy Balance Assessment 434
Body Composition Assessment 439

Blood Collection Equipment and Assessment 442
Rehabilitation Equipment and Assessment 446
Motor Performance Assessment 449
Behavioral and Psychological Assessment 453
CHAPTER 12 Careers and Professional Issues in Exercise
Science 461
Certification, Licensure, and Registration 463
Career Employment and Professional Opportunities 468

Professional Organizations in Exercise Science 479
Professional Organizations Related to Exercise Science 486
U.S. Government Agencies with an Interest in Exercise Science 487
Additional Organizations and Agencies in Exercise Science 493
CHAPTER 13 Exercise Science in the Twenty-First Century 499
Exercise Science and Health 500
Epidemiology and Health Promotion 502

Using Past Information to Improve Future Health 509
What Will the Future Bring? 511

Exercise Science and Sport and Athletic Competition 515
What Will the Future Bring? 516
Index 535


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