Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, MPH, FASA
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380 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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At last-a single, convenient reference on this interventional pain management technique, covering all recent advances in this fast-changing field. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A Comprehensive Guide is a one-stop resource offering practical guidance on performing a wide array of pain-relieving procedures using office-based ultrasound-guided techniques, fluoroscopy, and more. Concise and user-friendly, this easy-to-use guide helps physicians deliver safe, accurate, and cost-effective care by demonstrating how to evaluate the causes of pain, identify the most promising stimulation technique, locate the site with precision, and provide effective pain relief. 

Key Features
  • Offers clear guidance on peripheral nerve stimulation procedures for patients with chronic pain, incorporating all clinically useful imaging modalities. 

  • Illustrates the anatomical targets for each procedure and the appropriate placement of wireless micro devices. 

  • Presents information in an easy-to-follow, consistent format: anatomy; diagnosis by history, exam, imaging, and diagnostic block; indications for PNS; contraindications for PNS; and techniques. 

  • Provides superb visual guidance with clinically relevant anatomic drawings, color line drawings, clinical photographs, and ultrasound images. 

  • Discusses the risks and benefits of each procedure, highlights potential pitfalls, and offers clinical pearls on how to avoid them. 

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

1 History of peripheral nerve stimulation for pain
2 Peripheral nerve entrapments
3 Mechanism of action of peripheral nerve stimulation
4 Ultrasound versus fluoroscopy
5 Surgical tools for peripheral nerve stimulation
6 Surgical techniques for peripheral nerve stimulation
7 Peripheral nerve stimulation education and psychological evaluation
8 Occipital nerve stimulation
9 Trigeminal nerve peripheral nerve stimulation
10 The sphenopalatine ganglion: associated illnesses and therapeutic modalities
11 Axillary and suprascapular nerves
12 Brachial plexus
13 Ulnar nerve
14 Median nerve
15 Radial nerve
16 Intercostal nerves
17 Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerve
18 Genitofemoral nerve
19 Superior cluneal nerves
20 Middle cluneal nerves
21 Inferior cluneal nerve
22 Pudendal peripheral nerve stimulation for chronic pelvic pain
23 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
24 Femoral nerve
25 Sciatic nerve
26 Genicular peripheral nerve stimulation
27 Peroneal nerves (fibular nerves)
28 Saphenous nerve
29 Posterior tibial nerve
30 Sural nerve
31 Superior gluteal nerve
32 Craniofacial stimulation and headache
33 Peripheral nerve stimulation for complex regional pain syndrome
34 Postherpetic neuralgia
35 Approach to low back pain and peripheral nerve stimulation
36 Peripheral nerve stimulation for chronic pelvic pain
37 Postamputation pain
38 Peripheral neuropathy
39 Overactive bladder
40 Gastric stimulation for gastroparesis
41 Motor stimulation
42 Vagal nerve stimulation


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