Kinn`s The Clinical Medical Assistant, 15/e
Brigitte Niedzwiecki, RN, MSN, RMA, Julie Pepper, BS, CMA
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15 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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  • Step-by-step, illustrated procedures include rationales and a focus on professionalism.
  • Electronic health record (EHR) coverage provides access to hands-on activities using SimChart® for the Medical Office (sold separately).
  • Applied learning approach incorporates threaded case scenarios and critical thinking applications.
  • Patient education and legal and ethical features at the end of each chapter reinforce legal and communications implications within medical assisting practice.
  • Key vocabulary terms and definitions are presented at the beginning of each chapter, highlighted in text discussions, and summarized in a glossary for handy reference.
  • Robust Evolve companion website offers procedure videos, practice quizzes, mock certification exams, and interactive learning exercises.

More than any other product on the market, the most successful medical assistants begin their careers with Kinn. Known for more than 65 years for its alignment with national curriculum standards, Kinn`s The Clinical Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 15th Edition teaches the real-world clinical skills essential for a career in the modern medical office - always with a focus on helping you apply what you`ve learned. This edition features a new unit on advanced clinical skills and expanded content on telemedicine, infection control related to COVID-19, IV therapy, radiology, rehabilitation, and much more. With its approachable writing style appropriate for all levels of learners and a full continuum of separately sold adaptive solutions, real-world simulations, EHR documentation experience, and HESI remediation and assessment, quickly master the leading skills to prepare for certification and a successful career in the dynamic and growing medical assisting profession!

Key Features
  • Step-by-step, illustrated procedures include rationales and a focus on professionalism.
  • Electronic health record (EHR) coverage provides access to hands-on activities using SimChart® for the Medical Office (sold separately).
  • Applied learning approach incorporates threaded case scenarios and critical thinking applications.
  • Patient education and legal and ethical features at the end of each chapter reinforce legal and communications implications within medical assisting practice.
  • Key vocabulary terms and definitions are presented at the beginning of each chapter, highlighted in text discussions, and summarized in a glossary for handy reference.
  • Robust Evolve companion website offers procedure videos, practice quizzes, mock certification exams, and interactive learning exercises.

PART 1 - Introduction to Medical Assisting
1. The Professional Medical Assistant and the Healthcare Team
2. Health Records
3. Introduction to Anatomy and Medical Terminology
PART 2 - Fundamentals of Clinical Medical Assisting
4. Infection Control
5. Vital Signs
6. Physical Examination
7. Patient Coaching
8. Nutrition and Health Promotion
9. Surgical Supplies and Instruments
10. Assisting with Surgical Procedures
11. Principles of Electrocardiography
12. Medical Emergencies
PART 3 - Assisting with Medications
13. Principles of Pharmacology
14. Pharmacology Math
15. Administering Medications
PART 4 - Assisting with Medical Specialties
16. Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
17. Dermatology
18. Allergy and Infectious Disease
19. Gastroenterology
20. Orthopedics and Rheumatology
21. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
22. Neurology
23. Behavioral Health
24. Endocrinology
25. Cardiology
26. Pulmonology
27. Urology and Male Reproduction
28. Obstetrics and Gynecology
29. Pediatrics
30. Geriatrics
PART 5 - Assisting with Clinical Laboratory Procedures 
31. Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory
32. Urinalysis
33. Blood Collection
34. Analysis of Blood
35. Microbiology and Immunology
PART 6 - Advanced Clinical Skills
36. NEW! Intravenous Therapy
37. NEW! Radiology Basics
38. NEW! Positioning for Radiology
PART 10 - Job Seeking
39. Employment Skills and Strategies


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