Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 4/e
Stephen J. Stefanac DDS MS
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480 Pages
4 Edition
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Enhance your skills in patient assessment, oral diagnosis, and treatment planning! A full-color, all-in-one reference, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 4th Edition helps you create person-centered dental treatment plans for adolescent and adult patients. Using evidence-based research, this text shows how risk assessment, prognosis, and expected treatment outcomes factor into the planning process. Detailed coverage guides you through each phase of the treatment plan. New to this edition are chapters covering digital tools used in treatment planning and revised content in all chapters. The book renews a core section that describes how to plan and provide optimal oral health care for unique patient populations. Written by noted dentistry educators Stephen Stefanac and Samuel Nesbit, this must-have resource includes a fully searchable eBook version free with each print purchase.

    • Clear, logical organization builds your understanding with sections on comprehensive patient evaluation, the treatment planning process, the five phases of the treatment plan, and care planning for all patients.
    • What`s the Evidence? boxes cite research articles affecting clinical decision-making and treatment planning strategies.
    • In Clinical Practice boxes summarize information on specific clinical situations for quick and easy review.
    • Ethics in Dentistry boxes address clinical situations where ethical decision making may be required.
    • Review questions summarize and reinforce the important concepts in each chapter.
    • 350 full-color illustrations depict important concepts.
      • NEW! Updated content in all chapters.
      • NEW! An eBook version is included with print purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Plus, additional videos and all-new case-based practice quizzes for each chapter.
      • NEW! Digital Tools chapter focuses on the use of digital tools in diagnosis and treatment planning.

      SECTION 1 Patient Evaluation and Diagnosis
      1 Patient Evaluation and Assessment
      2 Common Diagnoses in Dentistry
      SECTION 2 The Treatment Planning Process
      3 Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: Assessment of Risk, Prognosis, and Expected Outcomes
      4 Digital Tools for Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
      5 Developing the Treatment Plan
      6 Interprofessional Treatment Planning
      7 Ethical and Legal Considerations When Treatment Planning
      SECTION 3 Phases of the Treatment Plan
      8 The Systemic Phase of Treatment
      9 The Acute Phase of Treatment
      10 The Disease Control Phase of Treatment
      11 The Definitive Phase of Treatment
      12 The Maintenance Phase of Care
      SECTION 4 Planning Treatment Populations
      13 Patients With Special Needs,
      14 Patients Who Are Substance Dependent
      15 Patients With Anxiety, Fear, or a Phobia of Dental Care
      16 Patients With a Psychological Disorder
      17 Adolescent Patients
      18 Geriatric Patients
      19 Patients Who Are Motivationally or Financially Challenged


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