Wright`s Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children
Ari Kupietzky
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320 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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Guiding patient behavior is as important as ever for the practicing dentist, and the behavior of pediatric patients is perhaps the most challenging to manage, especially in today’s modern society characterized by its diversity and unlimited access to information. The Third Edition of Wright’s Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children delivers an up-to-date discussion of modern techniques for managing the behavior of pediatric dental patients. 

The book addresses the influence of family and parenting styles on children’s behavior and the factors that determine how children behave in the dental office. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management techniques are described in depth, as are techniques for dealing with special needs patients. Clinical case scenarios are described throughout the book, with practical application of the taught principles. The final part of the book covers the dental environment¯training office personnel to manage children’s behavior, practical considerations for behavior guidance, and the effects of the physical dental office environment. 

The new edition adds brand-new information on parent management, discussing the unique characteristics of modern parents and millennials and cultural competence utilizing techniques such as motivational interviewing and empathetic listening, amongst other methods. New sections include the use of hypnosis and magic to guide children through their dental treatment. 

Wright’s Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children remains the leading book on the management of children’s behavior in the dental context. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: 

  • A thorough introduction to understanding key moments in child development as well as their behavior in the dental office
  • An examination of establishing a dental home and non-pharmacologic approaches to behavior management
  • Treatment of children with disabilities in the dental setting and tips to parents for proper homecare
  • Understanding the rapidly evolving societal influence on the contemporary family and its impact on treating the pediatric patient
  • How to deal with the Internet: information, misinformation, and negative online reviews

Wright’s Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children is an essential reference for pediatric dentists, general dentists, dental students, and dental hygienists who frequently encounter child patients in their dental offices.

About the Editor


List of Contributors


Chapter 1 - The Pediatric Dentistry Treatment Triangle
Ari Kupietzky and Gerald Z. Wright

Chapter 2 - Child Development: Basic Concepts and Clinical Considerations
Tammy Pilowsky Peleg

Chapter 3 - Children’s Behavior in the Dental Office
Jaap S.J. Veerkamp and Gerald Z. Wright

Chapter 4 – Influence of the Family
Barbara Sheller

Chapter 5 - Societal Influences on the Contemporary Family
Janice Townsend, Martha Wells, and Larry Dormois

Chapter 6 - Establishing a Dental Home
Ari Kupietzky and Anna B. Fuks

Chapter 7 - Non-Pharmacologic Approaches in Behavior Management
Ari Kupietzky and Gerald Z. Wright

Chapter 8 - Children with Disabilities
Gunilla Klingberg

Chapter 9 - Local Anesthesia
Ari Kupietzky and Steven Schwartz

Chapter 10 - Introduction to Pharmacological Techniques: A Historical Perspective
Gerald Z. Wright and Ari Kupietzky

Chapter 11 - Sedation for the Pediatric Patient
Stephen Wilson

Chapter 12 - Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Inhalation Sedation in Children
Ari Kupietzky and Dimitris Emmanouil

Chapter 13 - Minimal and Moderate Sedation Agents
Stephen Wilson

Chapter 14 - Working with a Dentist Anesthesiologist
Kenneth L. Reed and Amanda Jo Okundaye

Chapter 15 - The Use of General Anesthesia in Behavior Management
Marcio A. da Fonseca and Travis Nelson

Chapter 16 - Management of Emergencies Associated with Sedation for the Pediatric Dental Patient
Kenneth L. Reed and Amanda Jo Okundaye

Chapter 17 - Practical Considerations and the Dental Team
Jonathon E. Lee and Brian D. Lee

Chapter 18 - The Dental Office
Jonathon E. Lee, Brian D. Lee, Gerald Z. Wright, and Ari Kupietzky



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