A clinically focused, updated, and expanded edition of the leading resource on the dental management of sleep disorders
The newly revised Second Edition of Dental Management of Sleep Disorders delivers a focused and authoritative exploration of the dentist’s role in managing patients with sleep problems, especially sleep-related breathing disorders and bruxism.
Full discussions of the use of appliances, overviews of current treatment modalities, and investigations of the relationship between sleep disorders and dental and orofacial features accompany detailed chapters on oral appliance therapy, pharmacological, and behavioral management of symptoms. The book includes a variety of revealing case studies that examine the treatment of different sleep disorders, as well as:
Offering practical advice for diagnosis and treatment, Dental Management of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition is a valuable resource for dental practitioners as well as students.
List of Contributors ix
Preface xi
Section 1 Overview of Sleep Medicine 1
1 Impact of Sleep Disorders on Society 3
2 Human Sleep 12
3 Pathophysiology of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 26
4 The Classification of Sleep Disorders 35
5 The Relationship Between Sleep Disorders, Medical Conditions, and Your Health 43
6 Medications and Sleep 56
Section 2 Dentistry and Sleep Medicine 67
7 Dental and Orofacial Consequences of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 69
8 Pediatrics and Adolescent Sleep and Sleep Disorders 84
9 Role of the Dentist in Sleep Medicine 100
10 Other Sleep Disorders of Importance 108
11 Practicing Dental Sleep Medicine 114
Section 3 Assessment for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 119
12 Screening for Sleep Disorders 121
13 The Clinical Evaluation by the Dentist 130
14 Imaging for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 146
15 The Polysomnogram 155
16 Ambulatory Sleep Testing 160
Section 4 Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 165
17 Oral Appliance Therapy for the Management of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 167
18 Fabrication and Delivery of the Oral Appliance 181
19 Follow-up Care and Titration in Oral Appliance Therapy 192
20 Adverse Effects and Their Management in Oral Appliance Therapy 199
Section 5 Other Management Strategies for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 209
21 Positive Airway Pressure Therapy 211
22 Surgical Management for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders 226
23 Alternative and Adjunctive Options for the Management of Sleep Disorders 237
Appendix A Abbreviations in Sleep Medicine 249
Appendix B Glossary of Terms in Sleep Medicine 251
Appendix C Sample Patient Screening Questionnaires 255
Appendix D Sample Evaluation Format for SRBD and Airway Clinical Evaluation 259
Index 263
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