Written by world-renowned author and teacher Giovanni Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive, highly illustrated, and easy-to-understand resource. With a focus on clear interpretations of "real world" signs and symptoms, this new edition addresses the practice beyond the theory and leads you through both basic and sophisticated levels of diagnostic interpretation. Since Chinese medicine diagnosis relies on a subtle appraisal of a patient`s disharmony, many factors beyond traditional Western symptoms are considered, including a patient`s voice, the absence of thirst, feeling hot or cold, the patient`s smell, tone of voice, and glitter of eyes. This practical resource helps students and practitioners alike carefully interpret a wide range of diagnostic nuances.
Part I: Diagnosis by Observation
Section 1: Observation of the Body, Mind and Complexion
1. Observation Of The Body Shape, Physique And Demeanor
2. Observation Of The Mind, Spirit And Emotion
3. Observation Of The Complexion Color
4. Observation Of Body Movements
Section 2: Parts of the Body
5. Observation Of Head, Face And Hair
6. Observation Of The Eyes
7. Observation Of The Nose
8. Observation Of Lips, Mouth, Palate, Teeth, Gums And Philtrum
9. Observation Of The Ears
10. Observation Of Throat And Neck
11. Observation Of The Back
12. Observation Of Women`s Breasts
13. Observation Of The Heartbeat
14. Observation Of The Hands
15. Observation Of The Nails
16. Observation Of The Chest And Abdomen
17. Observation Of Genitalia
18. Observation Of The Four Limbs
19. Observation Of The Legs
20. Observation Of Excretions
21. Observation Of The Skin
22. Observation In Children
Section 3: Tongue Diagnosis
23. Tongue Diagnosis
24. Tongue-Body Color
25. Tongue Body Shape
26. Tongue Coating
27. Tongue Images And Patterns
Part II: Diagnosis by Interrogation
28. Introduction
29. Pain
30. Food And Taste
31. Stools And Urine
32. Thirst And Drink
33. Energy Levels
34. Head
35. Face
36. Throat And Neck
37. Body
38. Chest And Abdomen
39. Limbs
40. Sleep
41. Sweating
42. Ears And Eyes
43. Feeling Of Cold, Feeling Of Heat And Fever
44. Mental-Emotional Symptoms
45. Sexual Symptoms
46. Women`s Symptoms
47. Children`s Symptoms
48. Diagnosing The Causes Of Disease
Part III: Diagnosis by Palpation
49. Diagnosis by Palpation
50. Pulse Qualities
51. Palpation Of Parts Of The Body
52. Palpation Of Channels
Part IV: Diagnosis by Hearing and Smelling
53. Diagnosis By Hearing
54. Diagnosis By Smelling
Part V: Symptoms and Signs
Section 1: Symptoms and Signs of Parts of the Body
55. Head And Face
56. Face Color
57. Ears
58. Nose
59. Throat
60. Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, Gums, Lips, Palate And Philtrum
61. Eyes
62. Neck, Shoulders And Upper Back
63. Chest
64. Limbs
65. Arms
66. Legs
67. Lower Back
68. Body
69. Digestive System And Taste
70. Thirst And Drink
71. Abdomen
72. Defecation
73. Urination
74. Anus
75. Men`s Sexual And Genital Symptoms
76. Sweating
77. Skin Signs
78. Emotional Symptoms
79. Mental And Emotional Symptoms
80. Mental Difficulties
81. Sleep
82. Feeling Of Cold, Feeling Of Heat, Fever
83. Voice, Speech And Sounds
Section 2: Gynecological Symptoms and Signs
84. Menstrual Symptoms
85. Problems At Period Time
86. Problems Of Pregnancy
87. Problems After Childbirth
88. Breast Signs
89. Miscellaneous Gynecological Symptoms
Section 3: Pediatric Symptoms and Signs
90. Children`s Problems
Part VI: Identification of Internal Organ Patterns
91. Heart
92. Spleen
93. Liver
94. Lungs
95. Kidneys
96. Small Intestine
97. Stomach
98. Gall-Bladder
99. Large Intestine
100. Bladder
Appendix 1: Case Histories
Appendix 2: Prex_scriptions
Appendix 3: History of Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine
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