Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery: Tricks of the Trade 해외주문가능
Suzanne Freitag
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304 Pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
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A step-by-step guide to performing a wide range of ophthalmic plastic surgery procedures featuring author pearls and tricks of the trade

Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery: Tricks of the Trade by renowned expert Suzanne Freitag and esteemed coeditors N. Grace Lee, Daniel Lefebvre, and Michael Yoon is a concise ophthalmic plastic surgery procedures reference ideal for residents and fellows, as well as more accomplished surgeons who wish to improve techniques and outcomes. Divided into 10 major sections and 46 separate topics, the book provides essential understanding of the basic principles and steps of each procedure, making it a perfect resource to consult prior to performing surgery.

The first two sections include a detailed overview of the anatomy of the eyelids, orbit, and lacrimal system and discussion of fundamental principles of periorbital surgery. The subsequent eight sections cover eyelid trauma, lower eyelid, upper eyelid, eye brow, eyelid reconstruction, lacrimal, orbital surgery, and anophthalmic socket. The final section covers temporal artery biopsy, aberrant eyelash management, and tarsorrhaphy. Each chapter topic is formatted consistently – encompassing goals, advantages, expectations, key principles, indications, contraindications, preoperative preparation, operative technique, complications/bailout, postoperative care, and references.

Key Features

  • A distinguished group of national and international contributors share advanced tips, insightful pearls, and pitfalls to avoid, based on years of experience performing each procedure
  • Numerous figures, color illustrations, photographs, and surgical videos demonstrate salient points
  • Procedures are presented in a step-by-step manner, thereby enhancing reader comprehension and knowledge retention


This a must-have resource for ophthalmic plastic surgeons. Ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, facial plastic surgeons, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and maxillofacial surgeons who perform procedures in the periorbital area will also find it beneficial.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com. 

Part I Anatomy and Principles
1 Anatomy of the Eyelids, Orbit, and Lacrimal System
2 Fundamental Principles and Techniques of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery
Part II Eyelid Trauma
3 Traumatic Eyelid Laceration
4 Eyelid Margin Laceration Repair
5 Canalicular Laceration and Medial Canthal Tendon Avulsion Repair
Part III Lower Eyelid
6 Entropion Repair
7 Ectropion Repair
8 Epiblepharon Repair
9 Repair of Lower Eyelid Retraction
10 Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
11 Transcutaneous Lower Blepharoplasty
Part IV Upper Eyelid
12 External Ptosis Repair
13 Internal Ptosis Repair
14 Frontalis Suspension Ptosis Repair
15 Repair of Upper Eyelid Retraction (Internal and External)
16 Upper Eyelid Gold/Platinum Weight Placement
17 Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty
18 Asian Blepharoplasty
19 Floppy Eyelid Syndrome (FES) Repair
Part V Eye Brow
20 Direct Brow Lift
21 Endoscopic Brow Lift
22 Pretrichal Brow Lift
Part VI Eyelid Reconstruction
23 Tenzel Semicircular Flap
24 Hughes Tarsoconjunctival Flap
25 Cutler-Beard Flap
Part VII Lacrimal
26 Probing, Irrigation, and Intubation in Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
27 Punctoplasty
28 External Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
29 Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy
30 Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy
Part VIII Orbit Surgery
31 Orbital Floor Blowout Fracture Repair
32 Medial Orbital Blowout Fracture Repair
33 Lateral Wall Orbital Decompression
34 Orbital Decompression: Floor and Medial Wall Via an External Approach
35 Fat Removal Orbital Decompression
36 Endoscopic Orbital Decompression
37 Anterior Orbitotomy
38 Lateral Orbitotomy
39 Transcranial Orbital Approaches
Part IX Anophthalmic Socket
40 Enucleation
41 Evisceration
42 Exenteration
43 Dermis Fat Graft
Part X Miscellaneous
44 Temporal Artery Biopsy
45 Aberrant Eyelash Management
46 Tarsorrhaphy (Temporary and Permanent)


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