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화제의 신간
  • Vision 전공의 2020(비전 전공의 2... 군자출판사 학술국 110,000 99,000won
  • Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medici... Dennis L. Kasper ,Anthony S. Fauci ,Stephen L. Hauser , Dan L. Longo,J. Larry Jameson 380,000 190,000won
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6229의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Red Book: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases


    American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases

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  • 근골격 해부학 2판


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    25,000 23,750won

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  • 응급구조사를 위한 해부생리학

    Bob Elling, Kirsten M. Elling

    35,000 33,250won

    응급구조학과 학생들이 전공과목을 학습하기 위해서는 해부학과 생리학, 그리고 병리학이나 약리학 등의 기초의학 관련과목을 이수하여야 합니다.

  • Anatomy Flashcards


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  • 산과학 5판



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  • Clinical Laboratory Hematology, 3/e


    Shirlyn B. McKenzie Ph.D., CLS

    210,000 186,000won

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  • AHFS Drug Information 2015

    American Society of Health-System Pharmacists

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    Alexander Johnson

    280,000 252,000won

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  • Forensic Laboratory Management: Applying Business Principles


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    96,000 86,000won

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  • Cell Signaling:Principles & Mechanisms


    Wendell Lim

    120,000 117,000won

    processes. It provides undergraduate and graduate students the conceptual tools needed to make sense of the dizzying array

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    Narinder Gosall, Gurpal Gosall

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  • 어지럼증의 진단과 치료

    二木 隆

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  • 슬로우 조깅 건강법

    Tanaka Hiroyaki

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  • 발기부전 완치하기


    12,000 11,400won

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  • Inhalation Toxicology, 3/e


    Harry Salem

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    The lungs provide a significant opportunity for the introduction of both therapeutic and toxic chemicals into the human body.

  • Cutaneous Cryosurgery, 4/e


    Richard P. Usatine

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    Cutaneous Cryosurgery is an invaluable practical guide for the management of benign

  • Contact Urticaria Syndrome


    Ana M. Gimenez-Arnau

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    Contact urticaria syndrome was first defined in 1975 and since then scientific interest has steadily increased