
요양시설 종사자를 위한 알기 ... 조안영 30,000 28,500won
호흡과 발성 개정판 남도현, 최홍식 35,000 33,250won
5분 인체 이야기 Gabby Dawnay 18,000 16,200won
5분 바닷속 이야기 Gabby Dawnay 18,000 16,200won
5분 숲속 이야기 Gabby Dawnay 18,000 16,200won
화제의 신간
  • Vision 전공의 2020(비전 전공의 2... 군자출판사 학술국 110,000 99,000won
  • Harrison`s Principles of Internal Medici... Dennis L. Kasper ,Anthony S. Fauci ,Stephen L. Hauser , Dan L. Longo,J. Larry Jameson 380,000 190,000won
  • [세트] 유진홍교수 이야기감염... 유진홍 100,000 90,000won
  • 파워내과 10판 1-4권 set 및 부록 신규성 185,000 175,750won
  • 임상진료지침 6판 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 50,000 47,500won
6229의 상품이 있습니다.
  • Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy: Principles and Practices

    Diana Noland

    238,000 233,000won

    This textbook is a practical guide to the application of the philosophy and principles of Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy (IFMNT) in the practice of medicine, and the key role nutrition plays in restoring and maintaining wellness. The textbook provides an overview of recent reviews and studies of physiological and biochemical contributions to IFMNT and address nutritional influences in human heath overall, including poor nutrition, genomics, environmental toxicant exposures, fractured human interactions, limited physical movement, stress, sleep deprivation, and other lifestyle factors. Ultimately, this textbook serves to help practitioners, healthcare systems, and policy makers better understand this different and novel approach to complex chronic disorders. It provides the reader with real world examples of applications of the underlying principles and practices of integrative/functional nutrition therapies and presents the most up-to-date intervention strategies and clinical tools to help the reader keep abreast of developments in this emerging specialty field. Many chapters include comprehensive coverage of the topic and clinical applications with supplementary learning features such as case studies, take-home messages, patient and practitioner handouts, algorithms, and suggested readings.

  • Shared Struggles: Stories from Parents and Pediatricians Caring for Children with Serious Illnesses

    26,000 24,000won

    his book tells true and poignant stories from both sides of the physician-patient/parent relationship and provides a unique glimpse into how parents and physicians think, feel, and interact. The stories are grouped under four sections: Hope, Compassion, Communication, and Trust. Each section includes stories contributed by parents from all across the United States and by pediatricians practicing at many of the best children’s hospitals throughout the country. The parents tell of interactions with physicians that had a significant impact on them and their child and offer context and insight that promote empathy and reflection. The physicians tell of interactions with patients and families that served as learning moments in their career and promote the humanization of medicine and show there is more to a physician beyond their scientific knowledge and white coat. The stories are edited by Barry P. Markovitz - a pediatrician specializing in critical care medicine who has been in practice for more than 20 years and by Ann F. Schrooten - the parent of a child born with a chronic complex condition who has more than 15 years of experience interacting with pediatric subspecialists and other healthcare professionals who cared for her son. The editors have written commentaries to the stories to provide an independent perspective on the events and messages conveyed and to encourage reflection, inquiry, and discussion.

  • Perioperative Two-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography: A Practical Handbook, 2/e

    Annette Vegas

    154,000 150,000won

    Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a valuable diagnostic modality now routinely used during cardiac surgery and in the intensive care unit. Increasingly, anesthesiologists, cardiologists and critical care physicians trained in TEE provide the service in both settings where they face the challenge of integrating numerous current TEE guidelines into day-to-day practice. Perioperative Two-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiography: A Practical Handbook, 2nd Edition has been designed to be a concise, portable guide for using TEE to recognize cardiac pathology during the perioperative period. This compact guide has a diverse appeal for anesthesiologists, cardiac surgeons and cardiologists desiring comprehensive up-to-date echocardiographic information at their fingertips.

  • Essential

    Bongcheol Kim

    168,000 164,000won

    This book is a thorough guide on how to perform safe and effective thread-lifting procedures as a less invasive approach to rejuvenation of the face. The opening chapters explain the importance of the fixation technique, describe the facial and the pinch anatomy, and discuss the characteristics of absorbable threads. Clear descriptions are then offered of the basic technique employed for thread lifting, as well as techniques applicable for each thread type and techniques specific to each anatomic area. Understanding is aided by the inclusion of an abundance of illustrations depicting anatomy and technique. Potential complications and their management are systematically explained, and a new approach to outcome evaluation is also presented.The Art and Science of Thread Lifting will help plastic surgeons and dermatologists at all levels of experience to achieve the best possible outcomes in individual patients.

  • The International System for Serous Fluid Cytopathology

    Ashish Chandra

    105,000 102,000won

    This book is the culmination of an international effort to bring consistency and diagnostic efficiency to effusion cytology for the sake of patient care. The authors recognize special challenges in serous fluid cytopathology, such as reporting the presence of Mullerian epithelium in peritoneal fluids. What is an appropriate serous fluid volume to ensure adequacy? How should mesothelial proliferations be reported and is it appropriate to make an interpretation of malignant mesothelioma? How specific should a report be regarding the origin and subtyping of tumors found in serous fluids? What are the appropriate quality monitors for this specimen type? Special chapters on considerations for peritoneal washings, cytopreparatory techniques, mesothelioma and quality management are included to address these issues. The text contains literature reviews that elucidate existing evidence in support of current practices and recommendations. Expert opinions on where evidence was lacking, the most common practices were adopted by consensus, and where there was no commonality, are employed. Written by experts in the field, The International System for Serous Fluid Cytopathology serves as a collaborative effort between the International Academy of Cytology and the American Society for Cytopathology and calls upon participation of the international cytopathology and oncology communities to contribute to the development of a truly international system for reporting serous fluid cytology

  • Oral Board Review for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Study Guide for the Oral Boards

    Robert Reti

    126,000 123,000won

    The oral board exam for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS) can be intimidating to many surgeons due to the broad range of information one must know for the exam. However, while the examination guidelines provide a general outline of topics that may be covered, there is no true direction on how to prepare for it. Traditionally, candidates do so by using what are considered “underground” databanks, previous test questions, and power point presentations that run the gamut of commonly covered material. Until now, there have been no current comprehensive oral board review books available for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery boards. Oral Board Review for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery fills that gap as the go-to resource for those attempting to successfully challenge the oral boards and for residents to polish up on their training.

  • Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Explained: A Guide for Patients and Families

    Kyle M. Fargen

    42,000 41,000won

    This book provides a valuable guide to understanding idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), which is a very complex and painful disease. It is a chronic, often disabling condition resulting in headaches, visual loss, and ringing in the ears. This condition was thought to be rare but is becoming much more common, especially as the population becomes more overweight. Patients with this condition often suffer from intractable headaches with poor quality of life. Very few physicians specialize in this condition, and as a result, there is almost no information or resources available to those trying to understand this condition. The text is designed to take very complex neurosurgical anatomy, principles, and treatments and reduce them down into simple principles. The book contains 12 chapters, each organized into distinct sections. All chapters also contain key points from those paragraphs to summarize useful take home messages. Written by an expert specializing in this debilitating condition, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Explained serves as a valuable guide towards understanding and treating IIH. The ultimate goal is to empower patients and families with knowledge about the disease.

  • The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology, 2/e

    Eva M. Wojcik

    77,000 75,000won

    The first edition of The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology introduced a completely new paradigm for detecting bladder cancer by urine cytology. This system concentrated on defining morphological characteristics of the most clinically significant form of bladder cancer, High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma. This new approach has been widely accepted throughout the world, and has become part of the daily practice of cytology. Considering that the first edition of The Paris System (TPS) introduced a new model of urinary cytodiagnosis, verification and expansion of initial material and data were anticipated. Based on evolving knowledge and readership requests, the group of highly experienced authors have created a new edition of TPS. This second edition includes areas and issues not originally covered. A new chapter on urine cytology of the upper tract, a rarely addressed topic, has been introduced. Furthermore, the issue of cellular degeneration is discussed in the criteria of all diagnostic categories. Examples of standardized reports are included in each chapter. Most importantly, a separate chapter presents data defining the risk of malignancy (ROM) for each diagnostic category to inform clinical management. New high quality images augment those of the first edition to better illustrate diagnostic clues and potential pitfalls. In addition to chapters on diagnostic criteria, current concepts of pathogenesis of bladder cancer, specimen adequacy and preparation, and ancillary tests are covered in separate chapters. A bonus to the volume is a comprehensive history of urine as the earliest diagnostic sample of human disease, richly illustrated with artworks from major museums.

  • Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists, 2/e

    Natasha Rekhtman MD PhD

    95,000 92,000won

    This book contains a compilation of high-yield, at-a-glance summaries in quick reference format for various topics that are frequently encountered by pathologists in the daily practice or on the boards. The focus is not organ-based histologic criteria, but rather everything else that goes into pathologic diagnoses but is difficult to keep committed to memory. The emphasis is on immunohistochemistry, special stains, grading systems, molecular markers, tumor syndromes, and helpful clinical references. Also included are morphologic summaries that encompass high-yield material cutting across all organ systems, such as an illustrated guide for microorganisms, tumor differentials, and an illustrated glossary of pathologic descriptors.

  • 인지치료 도구상자-마음을 다스리는 185가지 도구

    Jeff Riggenbach

    20,000 19,000won

    사람의 정신세계라는 것은 바다와 같다. 사람의 심리에 호기심을 가지고 심리 유형 테스트를 좋아하던 시절에는 참 재미있는 분야로 느껴졌지만, 그것이 전공이 되고, 심지어 치료를 해내야 하는 상황에 와서는 바닷가에서 바라보던 아름다움보다 바다 속에 뛰어들었을 때의 어려움을 느끼곤 했다. 그러던 중 만난 인지치료는 바다를 항해하기 위한 나침반과 같은 느낌이었다. 막연하고 장기적이며 끝이 없을 듯한 면담이 아니라 정해진 틀이 있고, 기간이 있고, 특히 핵심신념에 다가가는 지도가 있었다. 정신과 전문의로서 더 많은 세월이 지난 지금은 바다 너머엔 또 다른 대양이 있음을 알지만, 첫 항해를 시작하는 사람에게는 인지치료는 좋은 길잡이이자 훈련이 되어 줄 것이다. 이는 자신의 정신세계를 이해하고 싶어하는 환자 또는 내담자 본인에게도 마찬가지이다. 의료, 특히 한국의료는 속도가 중요시 되며, 종합병원들의 경우 정신건강의학과 입원 기간이 여러 제도로 인하여 점차 짧아지고 있다. 주어진 시간에 약물을 맞추거나, 응급상황을 넘기거나, 금단증상을 완화하는 것 등은 가능하겠으나, 이것이 불안을 감소시켜줄 수는 있어도 ‘불안을 일으키는 생각’을 변화시키기는 어렵다. 재발의 방지, 진정한 회복을 위해서는 질환을 일으키는 비기능적인 사고를 아는 것(이는 병식과도 연결된다), 그리고 그 생각을 다루는 요령을 획득하는 것이 중요하다. 비기능적 사고의 치료까지는 아니더라도 어떤 통찰의 시작점이라도 입원기간에 가지고 가면 좋지 않을까?

  • Essential Calculations for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians, 4/e

    Terry Lake, DVM and Nicola Green, RVN

    75,000 72,000won

    Learn to easily master the types of veterinary nursing calculations you will face on the job with Essential Calculations for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians, 4th Edition. From basic arithmetic to dilutions and statistics, this useful text covers all aspects of calculations as applied to veterinary nursing. Readers will benefit from the text''s common-sense approach to clinical situations and complete the book knowing how to use calculations to determine dosage rates, anesthetic flow rates, radiography exposure rates, parenteral nutrition, and more. User-friendly features include simple language, detailed explanations, ample examples, and special author guidance so that content is easy to follow and understand. Plus, the text''s abundance of learning features - such as self-assessment questions, clinical hints, and tips - help clarify important concepts and ensure that you have mastered everything you need to make calculations in the day-to-day clinical environment.

  • Laboratory Animal and Exotic Pet Medicine, 3/e

    Margi Sirois, EdD, MS, RVT, CVT, LAT, VTES

    107,000 102,000won

    Learn the veterinary technician''''s role in the care of exotic pets and animals used in biomedical research! Laboratory Animal and Exotic Pet Medicine: Principles and Procedures, 3rd Edition helps you gain the knowledge and skills needed to ensure animal health and well-being. It covers animal husbandry, restraint and handling, and diseases, and provides guidelines to key clinical procedures such as blood collection, medication administration, anesthesia, and diagnostic imaging. Research-related information addresses the ethical concerns of exotic pet ownership, as well as the benefits and humane use of animals in research. Written by noted veterinary technology educator Margi Sirois, this text is a must-have resource for all caretakers of lab animals.

  • Potbellied Pig Veterinary Medicine

    Kristie Mozzachio

    140,000 133,000won

    Provide preventive care and evidence-based treatment for potbellied pigs! Covering a subject that gets little or no attention in other veterinary references, Potbellied Pig Veterinary Medicine is today''s definitive guide to all aspects of care for these unique animals. Topics include everything from the physical examination to handling and restraint, common illnesses, diagnosis and treatment, vaccination protocols, behavior, husbandry, sedation, surgery, and much more. Written by Dr. Kristie Mozzachio, a potbellied pig specialist and toxicologic pathologist, this clinical reference is a must-have for every veterinary practice.

  • Rutherford`s Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, 2-Volume Set, 10/e

    Anton N Sidawy, MD, MPH

    626,000 595,000won

    Encyclopedic, definitive, and state-of-the-art in the field of vascular disease and its medical, surgical, and interventional management, Rutherford''s Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy offers authoritative guidance from the most respected and innovative global thought leaders and clinical and basic science experts of our time. The thoroughly revised 10th Edition, published in association with the Society for Vascular Surgery and authored by multidisciplinary and international contributors, is an outstanding reference for vascular surgeons, vascular medicine specialists, interventional radiologists and cardiologists, and their trainees who depend upon Rutherford''s in their practice. Under the expert editorial guidance of Drs. Anton N. Sidawy and Bruce A. Perler, it is quite simply the most complete and most reliable resource available on the art and science of circulatory diseases.

  • Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery, 4/e

    Jay T. Bishoff, MD, FACS

    322,000 306,000won

    Concise, thorough, and superbly illustrated, Atlas of Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery, 4th Edition, is an ideal resource for learning new techniques or briefly reviewing before a case. Written and edited by renowned experts in the field of laparoscopic and robotic surgery, this practical text covers today''s best minimally invasive approaches using the surgical systems, equipment, and robotic devices in use today. More than three hours of video instruction, an increased focus on robotics and new urologic procedures, and step-by-step illustrations help you sharpen your skills in this high-demand area.

  • Be a Leader in Nursing: A Practical Guide for Nursing Students

    Heather Henry RN BSc Hons Nursing MBA

    51,000 49,000won

    Nursing leadership is now regarded as a core competency to improve clinical outcomes, and nurses need to develop leadership skills from the very start of their career. Be a Leader in Nursing provides a comprehensive, practical guide for nurses through their leadership journey. Written by practising nurse leader Heather Henry, the book focuses on real-world application of leadership models at all levels – from the first moments of a student placement to effective management roles later in a nurse’s career. The enjoyable and approachable text helps the reader to understand, recognize and practise leadership skills, making the book suitable for student nurses covering leadership as part of their curriculum as well as nurses already practising in the system. It will also be invaluable to instructors teaching leadership skills to nursing students.

  • Psychiatric Drugs Explained, 7/e

    David Healy MD FRCPsych

    54,000 52,000won

    Psychiatric Drugs Explained offers a wealth of evidence-based information on psychiatric drugs in an easy-to-use format that can be quickly referenced in the clinical setting. Written by internationally recognised author Dr David Healy, the book provides a comprehensive review of drug effects, action and side-effects. There is an emphasis on the lived experience of patients, providing the reader with a sense of what the adverse effects of drugs might feel like to those who use them. A reader-friendly approach and clear layout, with information organised by disorder, make this popular title accessible and useful not only to nursing staff, but to all members of the multidisciplinary team.

  • Intellectual Disabilities: Toward Inclusion, 7/e

    Helen Atherton BSc(Hons) PhD RNLD

    89,000 85,000won

    This leading textbook (previously known as Learning Disabilities) aims to further the practice of professionals and agencies who support people with intellectual disabilities. It emphasizes the strengths rather than deficits of people with intellectual disabilities, highlights the crucial role of family and friends, and places individuals firmly at the heart of everything that impacts them. Intellectual Disabilities: Toward Inclusion centres on the concepts of respecting the personhood of people with intellectual disabilities, and their rights to holistic health and to live their best lives. Most of the 27 chapters are co-authored by respected international authors, and the content has been fully updated to reflect contemporary policy, legislation and service configuration. This unique text will challenge and reframe typically held views, and provides an international focus that recognizes we have much to learn from the experiences and perspectives of other nations around the world.

  • Leading and Managing in Contemporary Health and Social Care

    Elizabeth Anne Rosser, DPhil, MN, RN, RM, Dip N Ed, Dip RM, RNT, PFHEA

    63,000 60,000won

    An understanding of leadership and management theory and practice is integral to the success of a new generation of health and social care professionals, and managers of services. It is equally important for educators in the field. Leading and Managing in Contemporary Health and Social Care by Elizabeth Rosser and Cate Wood supports the development of all health and social care professionals as managers and leaders in today''s rapidly evolving environment. This new title addresses pertinent topics including: integration and enhancement of health and social care services; interprofessional working; the importance of a strong organizational culture; developing individual resilience; leading innovation; and practising successful project and financial management within global and culturally sensitive contexts. With a growing mandate for health and social care professionals to understand leadership and management within their organizations, and a strong appreciation of these skills by employers, this new book is an important contribution that students and educators alike will welcome.

  • Telehealth

    Kimberly Noel and Renee Fabus

    63,000 60,000won

    At a time when telehealth is being used more widely than ever before, this new book from Kimberly Noel and Renee Fabus meets an urgent need for evidence around optimal telehealth training to support interprofessional practice. This textbook will be invaluable to all healthcare professionals who would like to incorporate telehealth into interprofessional education and practice. It discusses the role of social determinants of health, health literacy and aspects of health informatics in practice, and illustrates telehealth in different healthcare professions. Simply written and easy to follow, it takes the reader through what they need to know about telehealth, interprofessional telehealth competencies, virtual healthcare, teaching telehealth and virtual clinical examination skills. This text is suitable for students in medical school and the range of professional healthcare programs.