Kuby Immunology, 6/e
Thomas J. Kindt,Barbara A. Osborne,Richard A. Goldsby
W.H. Freeman
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574 pages
결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송

An experimental emphasis conveys the excitement of scientific discovery by describing how scientists conduct experiments, analyze data, and arrive at conclusions.

Strong pedagogy includes unique end-of-chapter study questions and answers, chapter summaries that are cross-referenced to key figures and illustrations in each chapter for easy review, and "Visualizing Concepts" illustrations, which graphically clarify critical ideas and processes.

Helpful, consistent art program. The text has a highly evolved iconic art style. Symbols for all important cells, macromolecules, and molecular intermediates are presented in the front of the book in a glossary chart, with all icons used consistently throughout the book.  A unique art feature in each chapter is the Visualizing Concepts figure, which pulls together seemingly disparate chapter topics into one overarching illustration.
New to This Edition

An ALL-NEW Chapter 3, Innate Immunity highlights the vital role this component of the immune system plays, including its relationship with the adaptive immune system, the integrated activities of immune effectors, and the consequences of defects in the system.

The Latest Discoveries on:
     • Signal transduction
     • Pattern recognition molecules, including Toll-like receptors
     • Antigen cross-presentation
     • Diversity of NK cell receptors
     • Immune tolerance and the role of regulatory T-cells
     • Suppressor T-cells
     • Infection and immunity
     • Expanding clinical use of monoclonal antibodies as therapeutic agents
     • Modern techniques in immunology and genetic analysis, such as plasmon surface resonance, two-photon phase microscopy and the use of labeled MHC-antigen tetramers
     • Emerging and spreading infectious diseases and bioterrorism including influenza and the avian flu strains, SARS, AIDS, and the reported link between human papilloma virus and cervical cancer.
...all within the context of the seminal new experiments from the field.
More Effective Organization, revised in consultation with numerous teachers to make connections between related topics clearer while avoiding redundancies:
•  Antibody and Antigen chapters are now combined (Chapter 4)
•  Complement chapter moved earlier to follow antibody chapters (Chapter 7)
•  MHC and Antigen Presentation chapters are now combined (Chapter 8) 

New and Revised End-of-Chapter Questions, including all-new Analyze the Data questions, which employ modern literature and quantitative data, and challenge students to extrapolate information with the tools learned from the text.

Part I Introduction
    1. Overview of the Immune System
    2. Cells and Organs of the Immune System
    3. Innate Immunity
Part II Generation of B-Cell and T-Cell Receptors
    4. Antibodies and Antigens
    5. Organization and Expression of Immunoglobulin Genes
    6. Antigen-Antibody Intereactions: Principles and Applications
    7. The Complement System
    8. The Major Histocompatibility Complex and Antigen Presentation
    9. T-Cell Receptor
    10. T-Cell Maturation, Activation, and Differentiation
    11. B-Cell Generation, Activation and Differentiation 
Part III Immune Effector Mechanisms
    12. Cytokines
    13. Leukocyte Activation and Migration
    14. Cell-Mediated Cytotoxic Responses
    15. Hypersensitivity Reactions 
Part IV The Immune System in Health and Disease
    16. Tolerance and Autoimmunity
    17. Transplantation Immunology
    18. Immune Responses to Infectious Diseases
    19. Vaccines
    20. AIDS and Other Immunodeficiencies
    21. Cancer and the Immune System
    22. Experimental Systems


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