Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications
Vijai Kumar Gupta
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496 Pages
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  • Biomolecules from Natural Sources

    An up-to-date exploration of new and novel biomolecules

    In Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications, a team of accomplished researchers delivers up-to-date information on various bioresources, bioprocessing, production, mechanisms of action for selective bioactivity, biochemistry, targeted therapeutic roles and the advancements made on their bioactive potentials of new and novel biomolecules. The book presents recent trends in new and novel biomolecules and their identification, characterization, and potential applications.

    The selected contributions canvas a variety of breakthroughs in the understanding and applications of naturally derived biomolecules. Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications is an exhaustive collection of research and information, as well as an insightful and interdisciplinary treatment of a rapidly developing field. Readers will also find:

    • A thorough introduction to phenolics from natural sources and plant-based natural artemisinin and its biomedical applications
    • Comprehensive explorations of protein structure, function, and specificity and the pharmacological potential of pigments
    • Practical discussions of biomolecules obtained through food biotechnology and the biological activities of natural glycosides
    • In-depth examinations of biomolecules from basil and their pharmacological significance

    Perfect for biotechnologists, food technologists, and plant biologists, Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of bioprocessing engineers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of biochemistry.

Preface vii

List of Contributors ix

1 Glycolipids: From Biosynthesis to Biological Activity toward Therapeutic Application 1
Maria H. Ribeiro, Eva Fahr, and Sara Lopes

2 Natural Polymer Types and Applications 31
Amro Abd Al Fattah Amara

3 Mushroom Pigments and Their Applications 82
Maura Téllez-Téllez and Gerardo Díaz-Godínez

4 Pharmacological Potential of Pigments 101
M. C. Pagano, E. J. A. Corrêa, N. F. Duarte, and B. K. Yelikbayev

5 Bioactive Compounds: Encapsulation, Delivery, and Applications Using Albumins as Carriers 113
Flavia F. Visentini, Adrian A. Perez, Joana B. Ferrado, María Laura Deseta, and Liliana G. Santiago

6 The Protein Structure, Function and Specificity: PhaC Synthases Type I, II, III and IV as a Model 181
Amro Abd Al Fattah Amara

7 Extremozyme-Based Technology for Biofuel Generation: Bioactivity and Stability Performances 214
Amal Souii, Afwa Ghorrab, Khouloud Hammami, Ahmed Slaheddine Masmoudi, Ameur Cherif, and Mohamed Neifar

8 The Role of Divalent Cations in Antibiotic Sensitivity: A Molecular Aspect 252
Amro Abd Al Fattah Amara

9 Biomolecules from Vegetable Wastes 278
Begoña de Ancos and Concepción Sánchez-Moreno

10 Retention of Natural Bioactive Compounds of Berry Fruits during Surface Decontamination Using an Eco-friendly Sanitizer 309
María P. Méndez-Galarraga, Franco Van de Velde, Andrea M. Piagentini, and María Elida Pirovani

11 Biomolecules from Basil – Pharmacological Significance 322
Ivayla Dincheva and Ilian Badjakov

12 Himalayan Peony (Paeonia emodi Royle): Enlightening Bioactive Compounds and Biological Applications towards Sustainable Use 345
Prabhakar Semwal, Sakshi Painuli, Natália Cruz-Martins, and Ashish Thapliyal

13 Health Properties of Dietary Monoterpenes 362
Rafael Chelala Moreira, Kele A.C. Vespermann, Gustavo Molina, Juliano Lemos Bicas, and Mario Roberto Marostica Junior

14 Biomolecules Derived from Whey: Strategies for Production and Biological Properties 390
M. C. Perotti, C. I. Vénica, I. V. Wolf, M. A. Vélez, G. H. Peralta, A. Quiberoni, and C. V. Bergamini

15 EPS from Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria: Microbial Metabolites with Both Technological and Health-Promoting Properties 433
Elisa C. Ale, Melisa A. Puntillo, María F. Rojas, and Ana G. Binetti

16 Characterization of Bacteriocins Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria of Industrial Interest 458
Silvina Alicia Pujato, Andrea del Luján Quiberoni, and Daniela Marta Guglielmotti

Index 470


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