Safe Liposuction and Fat Transfer
Marcel Dekker
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This text covers tumescent liposuction and fat transfer techniques and how they have developed into extremely safe, reliable, and efficacious procedures. Thirty-five respected surgeons discuss the safety of tumescent liposuction techniques, an anatomical approach to tumescent liposuction surgery, and the latest and greatest surgical tips from the experts.

Book Info
New York Univ., New York City. Text discusses study and training, design of a surgical suite, techniques of liposuction surgery and tumescent anesthesia, and safety and risk management. Fat transfer is covered in detail. For beginning and experienced liposuction surgeons.
Series Introduction Foreword Preface Contributors 1 History and Development of Tumescent Liposuction 1 2 Initiating the Practice of Liposuction 9 3 The Surgical Suite for the Liposuction Surgeon 19 4 Tumescent Anesthesia 29 5 Liposuction: Consultation and Preoperative Considerations 41 6 Computer Imaging 69 7 Photography for Liposuction Surgery 79 8 Abdomen, Hourglass Abdomen, Flanks, and Modified Abdominoplasty 95 9 Violin: Hips, Outer Thighs, and Buttocks 121 10 Liposuction of the Medial Thigh, Knee, Calf, and Ankle 149 11 Liposuction of the Arms and Back 183 12 Surgical Approaches to the Aging Neck 197 13 Gynecomastia - Dynamic Technique 215 14 Weekend Alternative to the Face Lift 235 15 Ultrasonic Liposuction 269 16 New Techniques: Powered Liposuction 275 17 Assessing the Results and Liposuction Tips 287 18 Megaliposculpture and Therapeutic Megaliposculpture 307 19 Immediate and Long-Term Postoperative Care and Touch-Ups 329 20 Liposuction Complications 343 21 Safety of Liposuction 353 22 Managing Adverse Events: A Medicolegal Perspective 363 23 Handling the Dissatisfied or Difficult Patient 375 24 Fat Transfer Microliposuction and Liposuction for Advanced Repair of Liposuction Defects 393 25 Liposhifting Instead of Lipofilling: Treatment of Postliposuction Irregularities 399 26 Structural Lipoaugmentation 409 27 Syringe Fat Grafting 425 28 Syringe Techniques Used to Obtain Autolipocollagen 455 29 Periorbital Lipoaugmentation 463 30 Reduction Syringe Liposculpting 483 31 Facial Volume Restoration with the Fat Autograft Muscle Injection Technique: Preliminary Experience with a New Technique 511 32 Fat Viability Studies 527 33 Anticellulite Creams, Endermology and Other Nonsurgical Methods for Treating Excess Adipose Tissue 545 34 Nutrition and the Liposuction Patient 555 Index 569


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