Regional Nerve Blocks & Infiltration Therapy textbook & color atlas(3e)
Danilo Jankovic
Blackwell Science
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
 Regional nerve blocks are important procedures in anaesthesia and pain therapy
that can be employed rapidly and safely by a skilled practitioner. The book

contains precise anatomical drawings and illustrations in full-colour

throughout, and also provides detailed instructions on how to apply local

anaesthesia. Practically oriented, the book could almost be taken to the

operating room and used as a guide. It covers anatomy, indications,

contraindications, dosages, explanations of individual drugs, as well as

complications, caveats, and potential adverse side effects, and how to avoid v
1 Regional nerve blocks and infiltration therapy in clinical practice Head and neck region 2 Regional anesthesia in ophthalmologyAndre van Zundert 3 Occipital nerves 4 Trigeminal nerve 5 Infiltration of trigger points in the muscles of mastication 6 Cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate ganglion) 7 Superior cervical ganglion 8 Deep (and superficial) cervical plexus 9 Brachial plexusInterscalene blockSupraclavicular perivascular (subclavian perivascular) blockAxillary block Shoulder region 10 Suprascapular nerve 11 Subscapular nerve blocksInfiltration of subscapular muscle trigger points ("frozen shoulder") 12 Rotator cuff musclesInjection techniques in the myofascial trigger points 13 Shoulder region: intra-articular injectionsIntra-articular injection into the shoulder jointIntra-articular injection into the acromioclavicular joint Elbow and hand region 14 Peripheral nerve blocks in the elbow region 15 Peripheral nerve blocks in the wrist region 16 Elbow and hand regionInfiltration of myofascial trigger points and intra-articular injections 17 Intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA) 18 Intravenous sympathetic block with guanethidine (Ismelin) Thorax, abdomen, lumbar and sacral spinal region Thorax 19 Thoracic spinal nerve blocks Lumbar spinal region 20 Lumbar paravertebral somatic nerve block 21 Lumbar sympathetic block Abdomen 22 Celiac plexus block Lumbosacral region 23 Iliolumbosacral ligaments 24 Ganglion impar (Walther ganglion) block 25 Infiltration of the piriform trigger points ("piriform syndrome") Lower extremity Lumbar plexus, sacral plexus and coccygeal plexus: anatomy Lumbar plexus blocks: introduction 26 Inguinal femoral paravascular block ("three-in-one" block) 27 Psoas compartment block (Chayen access) 28 Sciatic nerve block Blocking individual nerves in the lumbar plexus 29 Femoral nerve 30 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 31 Obturator nerve 32 Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves 33 Blocking peripheral nerves in the knee joint region 34 Blocking peripheral nerves in the ankle joint region Neuraxial anesthesia 35 Neuraxial anatomy Spinal anesthesia 36 Spinal anesthesia 37 Complications of spinal anesthesia 38 Continuous spinal anesthesia (CSA) 39 Continuous spinal anesthesia (CSA) in obstetrics 40 Chemical intraspinal neurolysis with phenol in glycerin Epidural anesthesia 41 Lumbar epidural anesthesia 42 Thoracic epidural anesthesia 43 Epidural anesthesia in obstetrics 44 Lumbar epidural anesthesia in pediatric patients 45 Epidural steroid injection 46 Combined spinal and epidural anesthesia (CSE) Epidural caudal anesthesia 47 Caudal anesthesia in adult patients 48 Caudal anesthesia in pediatric patients 49 Percutaneous epidural neuroplastyJames E. Heavner, Gabor B. Racz, Miles Day, and Rinoo Shah 50 Adjuncts to local anesthesia in neuraxial blocks References Index


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