Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders
Edward F Wright
Blackwell Publishing
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
"This manual is designed to enhance the dentist s ability to efficiently evaluate and treat patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders aims to integrate the scientific literature clinical trials and clinical experiences into an effective strategy for the dentist. For ease of synthesis only clinically relevant aspects for the vast majority of temporomandibular disorders are covered. Reader friendly and easy-to-use the book is structured with five major parts: Initial Evaluation Common Acute TMD Conditions and Treatments Occlusal Appliance Therapy Multi-disciplinary Treatment and Case Scenarios. The author’s considerable expertise in managing TMD patients has been condensed to provide a methodological approach to assessment and treatment of this challenging and diverse disorder. To support the organization of the clinical regimen useful appendices are collected at the back of the book and are also available on-line. These include an initial patient questionnaire along with sample records and consultations. As a practical resource this book is invaluable for students and practitioners working towards the resolution of TMD. "
"Part1. Initial Evaluation 1. Patient interview 2. Review of the initial patient questionnaire 3. Clinical examination 4. Imaging 5. TMD diagnostic categories 6. Contributing factors Part2. Common Acute TMD Conditions and Treatments 7. TMD secondary to trauma 8. TMD secondary to dental treatment 9. Lateral pterygoid myospasm 10. Acute TMJ disc displacement without reduction 11. TMJ dislocation Part3. Occlusal Appliance Therapy 12. Stabilization appliance 13. Anterior Positioning appliance Part4. Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach 14. Self-management Therapy 15. Physical Medicine 16. Cognitive-behavioral intervention 17. Pharmacological management 18. Other dental procedures 19. Intergrating multidisciplinary therapies Part5. Case Scenarios case 1. Pulpal pathosis mimicking TMD symptoms case 2. Chronic sinusitis case 3. Chronic forehead pain referred from the neck case 4. Myofascial pain secondary to nocturnal parafunctional habits case 5. Tooth attrition - no pain case 6. Myofascial pain secondary to daytime parafuctional habits case 7. Tense depressed and poor sleep as contributing factors case 8. Fibromyalgia as a contributing factor case 9. TMJ disc displacements and when to treat it - no pain case 10. TMJ Imflammation case 11. Intermittent acute TMJ disc displacement without reduction case 12. Acute TMJ disc displacement without reduction-unlocked case 13. Acute TMJ disc displacement without reduction-not unlocked case 14. Osteitis causing inability to open wide case 15. lateral pterygoid myospasm case 16. Acute excerbation of TMD case 17. Multiple forms of head andneck pain after Crown Insertion case 18. Appliance that positioned condyles into their proper position Appendices Glossary Index"


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