Green`s Operative Hand Surgery (5e) 2권세트
David P Green MD
Churchill Livingstone
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
"The 5th Edition of the world’s most comprehensive operative hand surgery reference pairs the tradition of print with the advances of technology in a continuously updated multimedia (E)dition. A new team of international contributors carefully selected for their particular expertise and ability to offer broad perspectives in a given subject area describes a complete range of open and arthroscopic techniques. They discuss their preferred surgical methods · patient selection · pre-operative evaluation · decision making · expected outcomes · and special instrumentation. A companion CD-ROM enables readers to link directly from bibliographical citations to corresponding MEDLINE abstracts and other sources. "
"Part I 1. General Principles 2. Anesthesia Part II HAND 3. Acute Infections of the Hand 4. Chronic Infections 5. Dupuytren’s Contracture 6. Extensor Tendon Injury 7. Flexor Tendon Injury · Acute Injuries · Flexor Tendon Reconstruction 8. Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges 9. Dislocations and Ligamentous Injuries of the Digit 10. Nails and Nail Bed 11. The Stiff Finger 12. Thumb Basal Joint Arthritis Part III WRIST 13. Arthrodesis (Partial and Complete) 14. Carpal Instability 15. Distal Radioulnar Joint 16. Distal Radius Fractures 17. Fractures of the Carpal Bones 18. Wrist Arthroscopy: Anatomy and Diagnosis 19. Wrist Arthroscopy: Operative Procedure Part IV ELBOW AND FOREARM Trauma and Fractures 20. Distal Humerus Fractures 21. Radial Head Fractures 22. Fractures of the Proximal Ulna 23. Acute Dislocations and Complex Acute Instability 24. Recurrent Instability of the Elbow Other Disorders 25. The Stiff Elbow 26. Arthroscopy and the Thrower’s Elbow 27. Arthroplasty Part V NERVE 28. Compressive Neuropathies 29. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 30. Repairs and Grafting 31. Radial Nerve Palsy 32. Median Nerve Palsy 33. Ulnar Nerve Palsy 34. Cerebral Palsy 35. Strokes and Brain Injury 36. Tetraplegia 37. Pediatric Brachial Plexus Palsy 38. Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury Part VI CONGENITAL DISORDERS 39. Embryology of the Upper Extremity 40. Deformities of the Hand and Fingers 41. Deformities of the Thumb 42. Deformities of the Wrist and Forearm 43. The Clapsed Thumb Part VII BONE AND SOFT TISSUE RECONSTRUCTION 44. Principles of Microvascular Surgery 45. Replantation 46. The Mangled Upper Extremity 47. Skin Grafts and Flaps 48. Free Skin and Composite Flaps 49. Free Functioning Muscle Flaps 50. Vascularized Bone Grafts 51. Vascularized Joint Transfers 52. Toe to Hand Transfer 53. Thumb Reconstruction 54. Distraction Lengthening in the Hand and Upper Extremity Part VIII OTHER DISORDERS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY 55. Amputation 56. Compartment Syndrome 57. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 58. Factitious Disorders 59. Rheumatoid Arthritis 60. Tenosynovitis 61. Thermal and Chemical Injury 62. Skin Tumors 63. Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone 64. Vascular Disorders"


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