Medical Language
Susan M. Turley
Prentice Hall
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결제금액이 25,000원 이상 무료배송
From the Back Cover

Making a Splash


The breadth is excellent, and this book includes innovative

teaching tools not available in other texts.

–Ann Minks,

Lake Washington Technical College



The writing style is great. It is light, easy to read and

understand. –Karin Sherrill,

Mesa Community College

I LOVE integrating the word building into each chapter.

I think it will make the word building much more relevant

to students. –Tricia Berry,

Hamilton College



I have students ranging in age from 18 to 50s. It would be

hard to find a writing style to fit them all, but I feel this book

would do the job. –Judy Anderson,

Coastal Carolina Community College



The illustrations and photos are awesome. –Cynthia Thompson,

Alamance Community College



The author takes the medical terminology textbook up

another level. –James Hudacek,

Lorain County Community College



It is geared to the whole person rather than just a clinical

approach to anatomy and physiology. It’s the “rest of the

story” that adds the interest and gives depth.

–Juanita R. Bryant,

Cabrillo College and Sierra College


Excellent book. –Paula Hagstrom,

Ferris State University


The wide diversity of subjects in the photos, and the

excellent diversity of artwork was way beyond my

expectations. Most books do not use enough visuals to

break up the written word, but I think this text is generous

in the use of color and visuals. –Susan Buboltz ,

Madison Area Technical College


Exactly what we were looking for.

–Ruth Ann O’Brien,

Miami Jacobs Career College


Love this text!…it is easier to read than standard medical

terminology texts…The illustrations are REAL and varied

…There are too many great features to list.

–Shannon Bruley,

Henry Ford Community College


The quality and quantity of illustrations are OUTSTANDING!!!

–Ralph Michael Cochran,

Southwest Virginia Community College


Undoubtedly, this IS one of the BEST medical terminology

books I have seen. It goes beyond the scope and

concept of any other medical terminology book I have

seen in 10 years.

–Cathy Kelley-Arney,

National College ofBusiness & Technology


You truly have taken into account what is important to the

learner in today’s society.

–Jody Scheller,

Schoolcraft College

About the Author

Susan M. Turley, MA (Educ), BSN, RN, RHIT, CMT, is an adjunct professor in the School of Health Professions, Wellness, and Physical Education at Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland, where she teaches medical terminology and medical tranx_scription courses. In the past, she was instrumental in gaining accreditation for the college’s medical assisting program and has also taught courses in pharmacology, pathophysiology, and medical office procedures. She is also a medical editor and author for Health Professions Institute in Modesto, California, and a curriculum consultant for The Andrews School for Medical Tranx_scription and Medical Coding in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


As a healthcare professional, Susan has worked in a variety of healthcare settings over the past 30 years: acute care, long-term care, physicians’ offices, and managed care. She has held positions as an intensive care nurse, plasmapheresis nurse, infection control officer, medical tranx_scriptionist, medical grant writer, manager of the Medic Alert national difficult airway database, medical record coder, director of education, and director of quality management and corporate compliance.


Susan is the author of the Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, (Prentice Hall) and of more than 40 articles published in medical tranx_scription and health information management journals. She is a co-developer of The SUM Medical Tranx_scription Training Program and reference books for Health Professions Institute. With a physician co-author, she has written two nationally funded grants and a chapter in a physician’s anesthesiology textbook.


She has been a guest speaker at national seminars for accreditation of utilization management programs, medical tranx_scription teacher training, and health information management certification exam review.


Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in adult education from Norwich University in Vermont, a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Pennsylvania State University, state licensure as an RN, as well as national certification in medical tranx_scription from the American Association for Medical Tranx_scription (AAMT) and national certification in health information management from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).


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