Engaging the Movement of Life:Exploring Health & Embodiment Through Osteopathy & Continuum
North Atlantic Books
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Engaging the Movement of Life is an invitation to discover new ways to experience health and embodiment. Osteopathic physician and Continuum Movement teacher Bonnie Gintis offers an approach that encompasses fluid movement, open attention, and awareness of sensation and breath as empowering practices to enrich all aspects of life. She presents a philosophy in which the body is a portal to “something greater”?an opportunity to join a grand experiment in deepening consciousness and connectedness.

Moving fluidly increases our vitality, just as water in the natural world is vitalized by flowing freely. Chronicling a path that encompasses views of body, mind, and spirit as a self-healing intercommunicating whole, Engaging the Movement of Life is equally useful for medical professionals, bodyworkers, exercise enthusiasts, and spiritual seekers.
차 례 Foreword ix Emilie Conrad Introduction 1 (10) Prologue: Beginning with Saline Fluid Resonance 11 (4) Engaging the Movement of Life: The Common 15 (28) Ground of Osteopathy and Continuum Movement What Is Continuum Movement? 18 (1) Watery Motion: Rhythm, Speed, and 19 (2) Amplitude Variation The Movement of Breath and Sound 21 (2) The Primacy of Breath and Fluidity as 23 (3) More Than Mechanical Events Open-Ended Inquiry 26 (1) Attention 27 (1) Habit: A Closed System 27 (1) Mutability: The Capacity to Change, 28 (2) Adapt, and Heal ``Release`` Is Not a Goal 30 (1) The Body Is Primarily Fluid 30 (1) The Embryonic Field 31 (3) Fluid, Movement, and Health 34 (2) Developing a Sensory-Based Kinesthetic 36 (1) Vocabulary Experiencing Osteopathy in Continuum 37 (4) Practice Each of Us Is Our Own Healer 41 (2) The Dynamics of Attention 43 (32) Learning to Attend to Myself as Well as I 43 (5) Attend to Others The Philosophy of ``What Else...?`` 48 (1) Thinking Does Not Create Embodiment 49 (3) Inquiry about Relationships 52 (2) The Effects of Being Attentive 54 (2) Modes of Attentiveness 56 (2) The Measurable and Immeasurable Aspects 58 (4) of Attention Concentrating versus Paying Attention 62 (2) Engaged Support versus Intervention 64 (3) Utilizing a Map to Explore the Territory 67 (2) Open Attention and the Tempo of 69 (1) Silent-Felt Listening Language, Belief, Attention, and 70 (3) Perception The Value of Embodied Information 73 (1) Attention as a Portal to the Mystery 73 (2) The Nature of Water in the Living Human Body 75 (41) The Indirect Answer That Fueled My Inquiry 76 (2) Fresh Water and Salt Water Distribution 78 (1) in the Body and on Earth Interesting Properties of Water 79 (2) The Natural Characteristics of Moving 81 (5) Water Spiral Movement in Water 86 (5) The Saline Fluids of the Body 91 (1) Water Content 92 (2) Self-Care Using Water and Its Vital 94 (4) Qualities Water as a Conduit for Information 98 (1) Transfer Material Characteristics of CSF, the 99 (6) Body`s Fresh Water Nonmaterial Characteristics of CSF 105(6) Health and the Expression of Fluidity 111(5) The Embryonic Field and Healing 116(15) The Literal and Archetypal Embryo 116(1) Embryonic Field Influence in Children and 117(2) Adults An Overview of Conception and Implantation 119(1) The Emergence of the Midline 120(3) The Trilaminar Embryo 123(2) Questioning Stem Cell Research 125(2) Embryonic Field Considerations in 127(4) Diagnosis and Treatment Health as the Reference Point 131(19) Hope versus Expectation 133(6) Caring for Ourselves 139(1) Discipline versus Devotion 140(3) Biology versus Biography 143(1) Need 144(1) Healing as the Future Moving into the 145(2) Present Healing Is Not about Self-Improvement 147(1) Our Need for Help 148(2) The Mutability of Mesoderm 150(43) The Accidental Osteopath 150(5) The Origin and Nature of Mutable Mesoderm 155(7) Non-Structural Elements of Embryonic 162(1) Mesoderm The Illusion of ``Systems`` in the Body 163(2) What Makes Connective Tissue Connect? 165(3) The Basic Composition of Tissues Derived 168(5) from Mesoderm The Role of Water in Connective Tissue 173(3) Is the Name ``Osteopathy`` a Misnomer? 176(3) Form Follows Function 179(5) The Communicating Matrix and the 184(1) Possibility of a ``Continuum Pathway`` Forces That Influence Developing Tissue 185(4) Continue throughout Life Bone Health, Aging, and Degeneration 189(2) Mutability: The Common Rationale for 191(2) Working with Mesoderm Fitness: Working ``Out`` or Working 193(22) ``Within``? What Is Fitness? 193(2) ``Jungle Gym``: A Dynamic Expression of 195(3) Continuum Why Do You Choose a Particular Activity? 198(2) What about Doing Physical Activities Just 200(3) for Fun? What about Yoga, Pilates, and the Gym? 203(4) The Problems with Excessive Static 207(2) Stability The Value of Attentiveness-Based Fitness 209(1) Training Movement as a Prescribed Treatment 210(4) Sensing How We Move versus Moving What We 214(1) Are Told to Move Backs Don`t ``Go Out`` 215(4) Continuum Movement and the Eros of Life 219(5) Movement and Stillness: A Mutually 224(9) Inclusive Continuum The Paradox of Simultaneous Movement and 224(1) Stillness Physical Stillness versus Dynamic 225(2) Stillness Stillness in Osteopathy: Dynamic, 227(1) Rhythmic, Balanced Interchange Shifting the Paradigm from Physical to 228(2) Metaphysical Fulcrums Movement and Stillness: A Mutually 230(3) Inclusive Continuum Resources 233(2) Acknowledgments 235(4) Notes 239(8) Credits and Permissions 247(2) Index 249


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